犬や猫、うさぎに鳥、ハムスターなどの小動物、ちょっと珍しい爬虫類…。なんであろうと、大きかろうと小さかろうと、昼行性だろうと夜行性だろうと、ペットは飼い主にとっては大事な家族。ペットがいない生活なんて考えられない! そんなノーペット、ノーライフなあなたにお届けするペット特集です。

No matter the species—whether it’s a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, or even a reptile—pets have long been cherished members of the family.This feature is dedicated to all the pet lovers who can’t imagine life without their beloved animals.



ペットフレンドリーな国 フィリピン!


Pet Ownership in the Philippines

Since the Philippines is often regarded as a pet-friendly country,Navi Manila looks into the reasons why Filipinos choose to have pets.







 フィリピンでも日本でも、どの国でもペットを飼う背景には共通した理由があると考えられます。「癒し」や「無償の愛」がその理由として挙げられるでしょう。例えば、忙しい日々を過ごす中、仕事から帰ってくると出迎えてくれる存在がいるというのは何よりもうれしいものです。「ファーベイビー(Fur baby)」という言葉がペットオーナーの中でもよく使われますが、自分の子ども、家族の一員として責任をもって飼う覚悟が必要です。




64% of Filipino Households Own Pets

According to a survey conducted in 2023 by the Social Weather Station (SWS) (see chart), 64% of Filipino households have pets. Dogs top the list, with 78% of pet owners having one, followed by cats at 50%. These numbers paint the Philippines as one of the leading pet-owning countries in Southeast Asia, with many homes caring for both dogs and cats—or even multiple of each.

What makes a “Fur Parent”

Regardless of type or breed, the reasons for owning pets often overlap: companionship, emotional support, and the unconditional love pets provide. Few things compare to the joy of coming home to a pet excited to greet you after a long, hectic day.

The term “fur baby” perfectly encapsulates how pet owners treat their pets like their own children. Even street animals are well-taken care of by communities in the Philippines, as evidenced by the many Filipinos that regularly feed stray dogs and cats. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship between humans seeking comfort and companionship, and animals enjoying regular care and sustenance.


Text : Rene Arata, Kaxandra Salonga