Mouthwatering, Hot and Spicy
Sichuan Chinese Food in Makati

多美味 Duo Mei Wei / Bettapril

数ある中国料理の中で、四大料理と呼ばれる山東、広東、江蘇、四川料理。最近、ディープな中国料理店が増えているマカティ市で本格四川料理が楽しめるのが、この多美味(Duo Mei Wei/またはBettaprilという店名もあり)。四川料理名物の魚料理である酸菜魚や、汁なしの担々麺(写真)など香辛料をピリリと効かせたメニューがそろう。
Among the four major Chinese culinary styles, Sichuan cuisine is renowned for its hot and spicy taste. Duo Mei Wai Chinese Restaurant a.k.a. Bettapril specializes in authentic Sichuan food, which satisfies your taste buds and makes you feel warm while eating. The spicy level is adjustable and there are also non-hot menus available. The restaurant opens 24 hours and offers a food delivery service. Please inquire staff about delivery zones.