メトロマニラの 新名所に行ってみた。
New Hot Spots in Metro Manila
発展著しいフィリピン、特にメトロマニラの都市部には世界中から様々な情報が集まり、様々なビジネスが展開され、新たな注目スポットも生まれている。そこで、今回のナビマニラphでは、メトロマニラで今注目されているスポットを紹介。家族や友人、恋人どうしなど 時間を見つけて足を運んでみる価値ありだ。
The Philippines is now growing economically. Metro Manila, a cosmopolitan metropolis of the country, has produced various fascinating spots. When you are in Manila, they are worth visiting with family and friends. Navi Manila explore four new hot spots in Metro Manila. Let’s check it out!
Movie Memorabilia Collection Display & Entertainment
Movie Stars Cafe
2012年12月にオープンし多くの地元客と観光客に愛されてきたムービースターズカフェが移転を発表したのが昨年のこと。そして、満を持してそのムービースターズカフェがオープンの日を迎えた。場所はMRTケソンアベニュー駅に直結するCentris Mall。
料理はイタリアンや和食、アメリカン、フィリピン料理などが味わえるが、 料理名はすべて映画のキャラクターになぞらえたもの。いったいなぜこのネーミング? などと各テーブルの話題になりそう。
The wait is finally over! After having been loved by local and international movie fans since December 2012, the Movie Stars Cafe closed its door last year and then relaunched at a new location on August 11, 2018. The new location is the Centris Mall, which is conveniently connected to MRT-3 Quezon Avenue Station.
In a spacious 1711 m2 floor space with a stage, audience area, private functrion rooms, there are exciting displays of the photographs and autographs of movie stars and actual size figure models of movie characters such as SpiderMan, Batman, Darth Vader and so on.
Don’t miss the show time from 6pm to 11pm every night. The performers dressed as popular film characters show powerful dance to the music sounds in a colorful lighting. The visual images shown on a big screen also attracts the audience. At the cafe a wide range of international cuisines such as Filipino, Italian, Japanese and American food is available. The menus are uniquely named after movie characters.
The Movie Stars Cafe is the one and only movie -themed cafe in the Philippines. How about going to Quezon City to visit this movie wonderland?