2017年の流行語 Buzzword in 2017
昨年末に発表されたユーキャン新語・流行語大賞は“忖度”と“インスタ映え”の2語。“忖度”とは人の気持をおしはかること。森友学園問題を期に国会で盛んに取りざたされ見事に受賞した。受賞者は森友学園の籠池氏でも財務省の役人でもなく“忖度まんじゅう”で儲けた会社社長。ユーキャンは籠池氏や財務省に受賞の打診をしたのだろうか?それとも氏や省の気持ちを忖度したか…? “インスタ映え”はいかにかわいらしく自撮りするかということ。要はインスタグラムで映える写真をアップロードしてみんなに注目してもらいたいという乙女心か? “草生える”はwebで見つけた“最近の女子高生達がよくSNSで使う流行りの若者言葉ランキング77選「2017年版」”の第1位。(笑)→w→wwwwwwwと変化。つまり草が生えているように見えるから。最近では“草”のみでも使うらしい。
The U-CAN new word · buzz word awards announced at the end of last year are two words “Futaku” and “Instabae”.
“Futaku” is to infer the boss’s mind and follow it. This word became popular because it was used many times when Moritomo Gakuen’s matter discussed at the National Assembly. The winner was not Moritomo Gakuen’s Mr.Kagoike or the official of the Treasury Department, but he was the president of a company that made profits with “Futaku Manjo”. Did U-CAN make a consultation with Mr. Kagoike and the Ministry of Finance for the award? Or did U-CAN done Futaku about Mr.Kagoike and the Ministry of Finance?
“Insta bae” is to take cute photos with striving to devise. It is girl ‘s heart that they want to upload pretty pictures to Instagram and draw attention to everyone.
“Kusa haeru” ranked first in word ranking which the recent school girl high school students often use in SNS. “Kusa haeru” means grass grows.(笑) → w → wwwwww. It expresses laughter but because it looks like grass. recently it seems to use even “grass” alone.
By the way, the word of the year announced by the American Dialect Society is “Fake News”.It became a topic in the presidential election of the United States and it diffuses further with the remark of Trump President last year. It is also the top ten in Japan. According to a survey, fake news has already been distributed more than news from major media.
In December 1973 rumors of bankruptcy spread from girls ‘high school girls’ rumors in Aichi Japan and about 2 billion yen deposits were withdrawn in a short period The Toyokawa Shinkin Bank riot which caused a mounting trouble.
Even the old analog rumors were making such incident. So If there is SNS strong of diffusion power a big incident may occur in the future. Is it possible to solve fake news because anyone can be an information sender now?
If she Futaku her boyfriend so Insuta bae, is it fake news? Kusa haeru.
(If the girl is to infer her boyfriend’s mind and take cute pictures with striving to devise. then upload pretty pictures to Instagram. Is it a fake news?hahahahah