Lights Shining & Shimmering

Bamboo Organ Church (The Saint Joseph Parish Church)
This Christmas season, being in Asia’a only Catholic country. Let’s go around and feel the spirit of the season through illuminations.

ルビミンダ・ガラルドさんと息子のギオさん。後ろのパロルはコンペ用の作品。Mrs. Luzviminda Gallardo and her son Gio. Parol in the back is a work for competition.
「パロル作りは戦後すぐに始まって代々受け継がれてきたものです。昔は日本の和紙を使っていましたが人が多く集まるようになって野外にディスプレイするようになったので今ではプラスチックを使っています。デザインは各作り手のオリジナルで私は亡くなった主人に教わった通りに作っています。パロルは7月ごろからまず竹を使って骨組を作り始めます。そして、9月になってから完成品に仕上げ、店頭に並べます。オーダーは1つからでも受け付けますがバランガイや企業からの大量注文もあります。中にはバロンの生地で仕上げたものなどもあります。今年のコンペペティションの作品は息子が一週間かけて一人で仕上げました。もちろん今年も受賞を目指しています」 息子さんと娘さんが今ではルビミンダさんと一緒にパロル作りを行っており、その伝統は受け継がれている。敬虔なクリスチャンにとっては聖地にも等しいこの伝統の地をクリスマスシーズンの今、一度訪れてみてはいかがだろう。
During this period when the light overflows throughout the city, many people see lanterns with various illuminations called “Parol”. This Parol symbolises star, the light which led the three wise men during the birth of Christ. Everything from simple to complicated designs, varieties in size and in color.
Famous are the Parol makers in San Fernando Pampanga, but there are areas also in Manila that also known in Parol making. It is in Plaza Quezon near St. Joseph Parish Church or Bamboo Organ Church in Las Piñas. Diego Serra street is a place where nearly 100 Workshops that manufactures and sells Parol.
Among them is Mrs. Luzviminda Gallardo, She is also a regular winner in a Lantern competition and her usual entry in the competition was made of recycled materials:
“The making of Parol was started immediately after the war and has been handed down from generation to generation. They used Japanese washi paper in the old days but the demands of displaying it outdoors has increased so now they are using plastic. Each design is made by their respective craftsmen. I am making my design as I learned from my deceased husband”. Parol making begins in July with the bamboo framework. We continue the process of construction until it is completed around September. It is then arranged in the shop front. We accept orders from one piece to bulk. Bulk orders come from companies and government municipalicities.”, she says.
There are even parols covered with Barong fabric. Their entry for this year’s competition is made by her son. “Of course, I aim for the award this year as well.”, he says. The tradition is being passed on to her children.
For pious Catholics, this tradition is similar to visiting that sacred place on Christmas day, a place you might also want to visit this Christmas season.
パロルの里プラザ・ケソン Plaza Quezon Parol Workshops
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おすすめイルミネーション Recommended Light Display Shows
Festival of Lights at the Ayala Triangle Gardens, Makati City
The romantic night around music and 800 thousand LED lights!
日時(Date and Time):毎日(Everyday)18:00~21:00 30分ごとに1回(once every 30 minutes) 12月31日まで(until December 31)、入場無料(Free)

Ayala Triangle Gardens
Christmas on Display in Greenhills, San Juan (サンフアン、グリーンヒルズ)
Let’s spend Christmas in the world of fantastic stories made of light, sound and dolls.
Policarpio Street in Mandaluyong City (マンダルーヨン、ポリカルピオ通り)
Illuminations of houses along the streets creating a 150 meter street of light.
※詳しい場所はマンダルーヨン市役所で問い合わせ可You can inquire at the Mandaluyong City Hall for the exact location of the village.
日時(Date and Time):1月の第1週目まで(until the first week of January)、入場無料(Free)
San Fernando Giant Lantern Festival
Contest competing for Parol Lantern Workmanship. Masterpieces created by each village over several months are gathered and judged.
日時(Date and Time):12月16日(December 16)、入場無料(Free)

San Fernando Giant Lantern Festival
Trinoma Merry Musical Light(ケソン市、トリノマ・モール)
光と音響のシンクロが魅力的なショーをモールの屋外レストランで楽しめる。 You can enjoy an attractive show of synced lights and sound in the mall’s outdoor restaurants.
日時(Date and Time):毎日(3 times daily)7:00, 8:00, 9:00の3回 8分間のショー(8 minutes show) 1月5日まで(until January 5)
UP Lantern Parade(フィリピン大学、ディリマン校)
Creativite works by students and professors of the University of the Philippines decorate and parade the campus. Do not miss the big event attracting thousands of people each year! 入場無料(Free)

UP Lantern Parade-30
Rizal Park(リサール公園)
光をまとった噴水のパフォーマンスが人々を幻想的な世界に引き込む。音に合わせて動く噴水はまるでクリスマスを祝って踊っているよう。The performance of the fountain with the light draws people into a fantasy world. The fountain which moves according to the sound seems to be dancing and celebrating Christmas.
日時(Date and Time):毎日(Everyday)、入場無料(Free)
Greenfield District(グリーンフィールド ディストリクト)
A huge 40 feet tree colorfully decorated makes you feel Christmas. A lot of stalls line up and you can enjoy the festive atmosphere.
日時(Date and Time):毎日(Everyday)、入場無料(Free)
Bonifacio Global City(ボニファシオ・グローバル・シティー)
Light up of business hub in Bonifacio, huge decoration in high street park gives an exciting feel of Christmas. At the Uptown Mall, 50 foot bears greet customers.
日時(Date and Time):12月より(from December)、入場無料(Free)
Meralco Liwanag Park(パッシグ市、オルティガス)
Christmas illumination given by a power company boasting the largest share in the Philippines. Hundreds of shining exhibits will be opened.
入場料:無料・ID必須(free/ID required)
The Ortigas East Christmas Street Light Musical Tunnel(パッシグ市、オルティガス)
This attention grabbing tunnel of light blinks according to the songs that play. Events and firework displays that even Santa would be proud of will be held.
日時(Date and Time):11月10日~1月7日(November 10 – January 7) 18:00~22:00、入場無料(Free)
Magical Field of Lights(Nuvali, Tagaytay Rd, Don Jose,Santa Rosa, 4025 Laguna)
広大な空間で繰り広げられる幻想的な光のショーは必見。A fantastic light show that unfolds in a vast open space is a must-see.
日時(Date and Time):11月11日~2018年1月7日November 11 – January 7, 2018、18:00~22:00、30分毎Show runs every 30 minutes、入場無料(Free)
光あふれるナイトスポットへ Let’s go to a Night-spot Full of lights!
Star City(パサイ)
Popular amusement park located in the center of Metro Manila. Night spots often visited by young people after work and school. The lighted-up attractions further enhance the excitement of customers.
日時(Date and Time):月~木(Monday – Thursday)16:00~0:00、金・土・日曜(Friday, Saturday and Sunday)14:00~0:00入場料(Admission fee):80ペソ(Peso)(入場のみ アトラクションは別料金Admission only. Attractions has an extra charge)、3アトラクション乗車券440ペソ3 Cheers Ticket Php 440(対象外のアトラクション有Some attractions not covered)、アトラクション乗り放題490ペソRide-All-You-Can (RAYC) Php 490

Star City
Enchanted Kingdom (サンタ・ロサ、ラグナ)
Amusement park boasting as the largest in the Philippines. You can enjoy the attractions and entertainment which are segregated into seven theme zones and each tastefully designed. Every week on Saturday and Sunday and a week before Christmas and until a week after the 2nd of January it is open until 9PM so it can be enjoyed as a night spot.
入場料(Ticket Rates):週末Weekend & Holiday 900ペソ(Peso)子供600ペソ(Peso)、ウィークデイWeekday 800ペソ(Peso)子供500ペソ(Peso)
The Fountain at Okada Manila (パラニャーケ)
ドバイのブルジュハリファとラスベガスのベラージオに匹敵する世界最高クラスの噴水ショー。The performances rival those in Dubai’s Burj Khalifa and Las Vegas’ Bellagio.
噴水ショースケジュールFountain Show Schedules
日~木曜Sun to Thu, 1時間ごとに1曲one song at the start of each hour (6:00 PM to 10:00 PM)、金~土曜Fri to Sat, 1時間ごとに連続2曲two consecutive shows at the start of each hour (6:00 PM to 12:00 AM)

The Fountain at Okada Manila
魅惑的な光と音楽に彩られた水槽で泳ぐクラゲの姿は神秘的。The appearance of a jellyfish swimming in a fascinating display colored with light and music is just magical.
月~金曜Monday to Friday / 10:00AM to 7:00PM土・日&休日Weekends & Holidays / 9:00AM to 7:00PM、入場締切Last Entry – 6:30PM
40mの高さにも及ぶ噴水とマルチメディアを駆使して創り出せれる光と音のダイナミックなショーはまさに必見。The dynamic show of light and sound that can be created by making use of the fountain and multimedia that extends over 40 meters high is a must-see.
毎日Daily 6:30PM to 7:00PM
Manila Cathedral(マニラ市、イントラムロス)
ライトアップされた大聖堂は荘厳さを増し訪れる人々を魅了する。Metro Manila’s Old Capital, Manila Cathedral, also a landmark in Intramuros and symbolic presence of Spanish influence. The lighted-up cathedral is magnificent and attracts a lot of visitors.
Fireworks Display at Mall of Asia(パサイ市、モール・オブ・アジア)
5 minute firework displays for Christmas from the back of this grand mall.
日時(Date and Time):毎週金、土曜日(Every Friday, Saturday)19:00、入場無料(Free)

MOA Pyromusical- Marc Go