Spring is here… Let’s visit Japan!

桜は菊とともに日本を象徴する花 Sakura and the chrysanthemum are the symbols of Japan

桜は菊とともに日本を象徴する花 Sakura and the chrysanthemum are the symbols of Japan

あしかがフラワーパークの大藤  The Ofuji in Ashikaga Flower Park.

The Ofuji in Ashikaga Flower Park.

Sakura Bloom
日本を離れて久しい、比国在住のみなさんや長期滞在中のみなさんもいかがですか、家族や友人、知人を誘ってのお花見ツアー? 比国人の家族や友人、知人ならなおのこと、日本の美しい桜と独自の風習に皆が感動すること間違いなしです。
In the Philippines, March starts the season of summer, but in Japan it is the flower season. It comes when different flowers display their blooms in anticipation of spring. Flowers symbolizing the ancient Japanese season such as plum, cherry blossoms, azalea, and wisteria are blossoming, welcoming the arrival of spring. Among them, cherry blossoms is most awaited by many Japanese people. According to the forecast, this year’s Sakura bloom season is normal or somewhat late in both Kanto and Kansai, from end of March to April and in the case of Hokkaido from the first of May. It is certain that the cherry blossom parks and gardens of Japan will be crowded with cherry blossom viewers. And in recent years, tourists from all the world visit Japan to see this festival of flowers.

桜を愛でながらの会食は日本独自の習慣だが今では多くの外国人の姿も見られる Cherry blossoms viewing (Hanami) together with friends or family is a Japanese custom. Recently many foreigners can also be seen joining the revelry.

桜を愛でながらの会食は日本独自の習慣だが今では多くの外国人の姿も見られる Cherry blossoms viewing (Hanami) together with friends or family is a Japanese custom. Recently many foreigners can also be seen joining the revelry.

花見のメッカといえば上野公園。1625年寛永寺の建立を機に始まった桜の植樹がその源流だ Ueno Park is the most popular place for cherry blossoms. Cherry tree planting started to spread in 1625 with the construction of Kaneiji Temple.

花見のメッカといえば上野公園。1625年寛永寺の建立を機に始まった桜の植樹がその源流だ Ueno Park is the most popular place for cherry blossoms. Cherry tree planting started to spread in 1625 with the construction of Kaneiji Temple.

ライトアップされた桜の美しさが人々を魅了する  The beauty of illuminated cherry blossoms charm visitors.

The beauty of illuminated cherry blossoms charm visitors.

松本つつじ園の見事な芝桜   Matsumoto Tsutsuji farm's stunning Shibazakura blossoms.

Matsumoto Tsutsuji farm’s stunning Shibazakura blossoms.

Matsumoto Tsutsuji Garden in Omura city, Nagano prefecture, famous for its azaleas and pink moss phloxes.

住みたい街として人気の吉祥寺駅前の井の頭公園は花見でも人気 Inokashira Park in front of Kichijoji station is popular for cherry blossom viewing or 'hanami'.

住みたい街として人気の吉祥寺駅前の井の頭公園は花見でも人気 Inokashira Park in front of Kichijoji station is popular for cherry blossom viewing or ‘hanami’.

Recommended Flower Festivals in Japan

フラワーフェスティバル2018/Flower Festival 2018 ❶/❷
Starting from the cherry blossoms in late March, you can appreciate various flowers until late May, such as turnip rape flowers, tulips and charlay poppies. There are plenty of events such as photo exhibitions, segway guided tours and flower picking experiences.
場所: 国営昭和記念公園(東京都立川市緑町3173) 日時:2018年3月24日~2018年5月27日
問い合わせ: Tel. 042-528-1751(国営昭和記念公園)
Address: Showa Kinen Park, 3173 Midoricho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo
Visiting Dates: March 24, 2018 ~ May 27, 2018 Contact: 042-528-1751 (Showa Kinen Park)
なばなの里 チューリップまつり/The Tulip Festival at Nabana no sato
日本最大級の花園(約43,000㎡) 「花ひろば」約43,000㎡に咲き誇るチューリップは圧巻。
The largest flower garden in Japan (about 43,000 m²) “Hana Hiroba” Tulips blooms are masterpieces.
場所:なばなの里(三重県桑名市長島町駒江漆畑270) 日時:2018年3月下旬~2018年4月下旬
問い合わせ: Tel. 0594-41-0787 (なばなの里)
Address: Nabana no Sato, 270 Komae Urushibata Nagashima-cho Kuwana-shi, Mie Prefecture
Visiting Dates: Late March 2018 ~ Late April 2018 Contact: Tel. 0594-41-0787 (Nabana no Sato)
ふじのはな物語~大藤まつり2018~/Fuji’s Flower Story – Ofuji Festival 2018 ❻
More than 350 giant, white and kibana wisterias which are more than 150 years old bloom and adorn a tunnel. 5,000 flowering azaleas are also a brilliant sight to behold.
場所:あしかがフラワーパーク(栃木県足利市迫間町607) 日時:22018 年4月18日~2018 年5月20日
問い合わせ:Tel. 0284-91-4939 (あしかがフラワーパーク)
Address: Ashikaga Flower Park, 607 Sakoma-cho Ashikaga-shi Tochigi Prefecture
Visiting Dates: April 18, 2018 ~ May 20,2018 Contact: Tel. 0284-91-4939
伊豆高原桜まつり/Izu Kougen Sakura Festival
Infront of the Izukogen train station of the Izukyu line, is a 3 km long canopy of cherry blossom trees.
場所: 伊豆高原(静岡県伊東市八幡野) 日時: 2018 年3月24日~2018 年4月1日
問い合わせ: Tel. 0557-53-1116(伊東市)
Address: Izukogen, Yahatano Ito-shi Shizuoka Prefecture
Visiting Dates: March 24, 2018 ~ April 1, 2018 Contact: Tel. 0557-53-1116 (Ito City Hall)
沖縄花のカーニバル/Okinawa Flower Carnival
The annual event held in the entire Okinawa setting. The Higashi Village Azalea Festival from March 2nd to 21st and the Iejima Yuri Festival from April 22nd to May 6th are popular events attended by many people.
場所: 沖縄県内各地 日時: 2018年1月20日~2018年5月6日 問い合わせ: Tel. 098-859-0792 (沖縄花のカーニバル2018事務局)
Address: Okinawa Prefecture Visiting Dates: January 20, 2018 ~ May 6, 2018
Contact: Tel. 098-859-0792 (Okinawa Flower Carnival 2018 Secretariat)
東村つつじ祭り/Higashi-son Tsutsuji Festival
Event that colors the visit of spring at Yanbaru (northern part of Okinawa Prefecture). You can enjoy about 50 thousand colorful azaleas in a rich natural landscape.
場所: 東村 村民の森つつじ園(東村平良766-1) 日時: 2018年3月2日~2018年3月21日
合わせ: Tel. 0980-43-2265(東村つつじ祭り実行委員会)
Address: Higashi-son Sonmin no mori Tutuji Park, 766-1 Taira Higashi-son Okinawa
Visiting Dates: March 2, 2018 ~ March 21, 2018 Contact: Tel. 0980-43-2265 (Higashi-son Tsutsuji Festival Executive Committee)
伊江島ゆり祭り/Le Island Lily Festival
日本一早いゆり祭り。 広大な敷地に広がる真っ白なテッポウユリや、世界のゆり100品種が咲き誇る。
The earliest lily festival in Japan. White Eastern Lily spreads on a vast site and 100 lily varieties of the world are in full bloom.
場所: 伊江村リリーフィールド公園(伊江村字東江上3087) 日時: 2018年4月22日~2018年5月6日
合わせ: Tel. 0980-49-2906(伊江島ゆり祭り実行委員会)
Address: Le Island Lily Field Park, 3087 Aza Agarie-ue Le-son, Okinawa Visiting Dates: April 22 ~ May 6, 2018 Contact: Tel. 0980-49-2906 (Le Island Lily Festival Executive Committee)

1. 昭和記念公Showa Kinen Park

1. 昭和記念公Showa Kinen Park

2. 昭和記念公Showa Kinen Park

2. 昭和記念公Showa Kinen Park

3. 伊豆高原桜まつり Izukogen Sakura festival

3. 伊豆高原桜まつり Izukogen Sakura festival

4. 沖縄県Okinawa Prefecture

4. 沖縄県Okinawa Prefecture

伊江島ゆり祭り/Le Island Lily Festival


7.なばなの里Nabana no Sato

7.なばなの里Nabana no Sato