Japan’s cherry blossom season is just around the corner and Hanami or cherry blossom viewing is becoming popular among tourists. For Filipinos who plan to visit, here are some popular Hanami spots in Japan.
❶ 五稜郭公園
Goryokaku Park
Hakodate City, Hokkaido
Average Peak Bloom: Late April
Goryokaku is Japan’s first European-style pentagonal fortress and one of Hokkaido’s major tourist spots. The 1,500 Someiyoshino cherry blossoms planted along the moat can be viewed while walking through the park and from the observation deck. These beautiful trees are also illuminated at night.
❷ 弘前公園
Hirosaki Park
Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture
Average Peak Bloom: Mid-Late April
Hirosaki Park is one of Japan’s three most famous cherry blossom viewing spots. About 50 kinds of Sakura cherry blossoms among the 2,600 in total bloom are at the park on the ruins of Hirosaki Castle. The famous ‘Seven Views of Hirosaki Cherry Blossoms’ are perfect for taking pictures.
❸ 三春滝桜
Miharu Takizakura
Miharu, Tamura-gun, Fukushima Prefecture
Average Peak Bloom: Early April
中世 山梨県の「山高神代桜」、岐阜県の「根尾谷淡墨桜」とともに、天然記念物に指定されている日本3大桜の1つ。推定樹齢1000年以上とされるベニシダレザクラは高さ12メートル、枝は東西22メートル、南北18メートルにおよぶ。四方に垂れ下がった枝に花が咲く様子は、桜が流れ落ちる滝のよう。開花期間中は、ライトアップも行われる。
The Miharu Takizakura is one of the three most important cherry trees in Japan and is designated as a national natural treasure. It is estimated to be over 1,000 years old and 12 meters tall with its branches spreading 22 meters from east to west and 18 meters from north to south. From afar, it looks like a waterfall of cascading cherry blossoms flowing down from its branches.
❹ 上野恩賜公園
Ueno Park
Taito City, Tokyo
Average Peak Bloom: Beginning of April
江戸時代から桜の名所として知られるスポット。ソメイヨシノ、ヤマザクラ、ヤエベニシダレなど約800本が植えられ、不忍池の周りに咲く桜や、桜のアーチなど見どころも多い。成田空港から電車直通の上野駅から歩いて数分で行けるので便利。花見と一緒に近くにある国立博物館、上野動物園、 国立西洋美術館へ訪れてみては?。
About 800 cherry trees are planted around the pond and the cherry blossom arches welcome visitors. It is conveniently located just a few minutes away from Ueno Station, which has a direct train connection from Narita Airport. Why not visit the nearby National Museum, Ueno Zoo, and National Museum of Western Art together with cherry blossom viewing?
❺ 千鳥ヶ淵緑道
Chidori-ga-fuchi Moat Green Way
Chiyoda City, Tokyo
Average Peak Bloom:Beginning of April
The Chidorigafuchi is one of the moats of the Imperial Palace where there is a lush green promenade with approximately 250 cherry blossom trees planted along its 700-meter stretch. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms while walking, or rent a boat and view them from the surface of the moat. At night, the area is illuminated, creating a majestic atmosphere. It is conveniently located in the city center, within walking distance from subway stations.
❻ 高遠城址公園
Takato Castle Site Park
Ina City, Nagano Prefecture
Average Peak Bloom: Early April
日本3大桜の名所の1つ。地元固有種のタカトオコヒガンザクラ(高遠小彼岸桜) が約1500本咲き誇る。一般的なソメイヨシノよりやや小さいが、鮮やかなピンクが特長の桜が公園を覆う。どの角度から見ても見事な桜を称えて「天下第一桜」と刻まれた石碑がある。公園からは中央アルプスの絶景も望める。
One of the three most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. The park is home to around 1,500 cherry blossom trees with a species endemic to the area, giving the petals its vivid pink color. The park also offers a spectacular view of the mountains.
❼ 清水寺
Kiyomizuーdera Temple
Kyoto City, Kyoto
Average Peak Bloom: Early April
Kiyomizu-dera Temple, one of Kyoto’s leading tourist attractions and a World Heritage Site, is also a famous cherry blossom viewing spot with around 1,500 cherry blossom trees. Visitors can enjoy a number of spectacular views of the trees surrounding the temple grounds like the three-story pagoda in the background, and the view from the elevated stage of Kiyomizu. During the peak bloom season, special night-time viewing and illumination of the cherry blossoms are also available.
❽ 大阪城公園
Osaka Castle Park
Osaka City, Osaka
Average Peak Bloom: Early April
There are approximately 3,000 cherry trees in the vast verdant park overlooking Osaka Castle. Osaka Castle Park is also famous for its plum blossoms, with more than 1,200 plum trees blooming from January to March, earlier than the cherry blossoms.
❾ 吉野山
Mt. Yoshino
Yoshino-cho, Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture
Average Peak Bloom: Early – Mid-Apri
日本3大桜の名所の1つ。一休禅師が「花は桜木、人は武士……花はみよしの」と称え、西行法師が「願はくは 花の下にて春死なむ その如月の望月のころ」と詠んだ吉野山の桜。日本一桜の本数が多い場所であり、シロヤマザクラが3万本密集する光景は圧巻。まさに「吉野といえば桜、桜といえば吉野」。
One of the three most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. The cherry blossoms of Mt. Yoshino have been praised through centuries. Yoshino is home to the largest number of cherry blossom trees in Japan with around 30,000 planted and breathtaking when in bloom.
❿ 西公園(福岡)
Nishi Park(Fukuoka)
Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Average Peak Bloom: Beginning of April
A popular cherry blossom viewing spot with about 1,300 trees in a lush park located in the center of Fukuoka City. At night, the cherry blossoms are lit up. There are also many places of interest nearby such as the cherry blossom path and the observatory tower from which you can see Hakata Bay.
Origins of Hanami
There are various theories of the origins of hanami, but it is believed that during the Nara period (710-794), aristocrats admired plum blossoms introduced from China. In the Heian period (794-1185), cherry blossom viewing events also began among them and gradually, farmers held banquets under these trees to pray for a good harvest. At that time, cherry blossom trees were considered to be inhabited by the gods that descended from the mountains in spring.
It was during the Kanbun period (1661-1673) that hanami became a major seasonal event. People in big cities began to enjoy viewing cherry blossoms in shrines and temples. Later, cherry blossoms spread to other parts of the country and people began to enjoy hanami throughout Japan.
花見スイーツ 関東vs.関西?
Hanami Sweets: East vs.West
As Tikoy is for the Lunar New Year and moon cake is for the mid-autumn festival, there is sakura mochi for hanami cherry blossom viewing in Japan. They are pale pink rice cakes that imitate the color of cherry blossoms with salted cherry leaves.
The appearance and texture of sakura mochi are different in the east (Kanto) and west (Kansai) regions of Japan. In the Kanto region, it is a pastry with sweet red bean paste wrapped in a thin crust made of wheat flour, while in the Kansai region, it is made of coarsely ground glutinous rice with a filling of sweet red bean paste.

関東の桜餅(左)と関西の桜餅(右) Sakura mochi east version (left) and west version (right)
桜、花見といえば4月のイメージだが、沖縄では例年1月中旬~2月中旬が桜の季節。今年は1月5日に開花した。日本で一番早く咲く沖縄の桜は、日本で一般的なソメイヨシノではなく、琉球寒緋桜 (りゅうきゅうかんひざくら)という種類。濃いピンク色でつりがね状にたれ下がって咲く。世界遺産の今帰仁(なきじん)城跡などでは桜祭りも行われる。
Hanami starts in January!?
The season of hanami is usually late March to early April times in Japan, but in Okinawa, the cherry blossom season happens from mid-January to mid-February because of its subtropical climate. Okinawa’s cherry blossom species are different from the common cherry blossom trees in other regions of Japan where this year (2025) they bloomed on the 5th of January.
実はフィリピンでも桜を見ることができる。 その1つが観光地として有名なパラワン州プエルト・プリンセサ。厳密には、日本の桜と似たバラヨンというパラワン原産の植物で別名パラワン・チェリーブラッサム(写真)。プエルト・プリンセサのバラヨン・ピープルズ・パークでは毎年2月下旬から3月にかけてバラヨン・フェスティバルが行われる。
‘Cherry Blossom Viewing Places’ in the Philippines
Cherry blossoms can actually be seen in the Philippines. One spot is Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Strictly speaking, it is a native Palawan plant called Balayon(photo) which is also known as ‘Palawan Cherry Blossom’ due to its similarities with Japanese Sakura trees. The Balayon Festival is held every year from late February to March at the Balayon People’s Park in Puerto Princesa.
The best place to see real Japanese cherry trees is in Atok town, Benguet. The Sakura Park (Benguet-Kochi Sisterhood Park) has about 30 cherry trees donated by Kochi Prefecture, Japan.

(Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 Paul Christian B. Yang-ed )