Find out what’s the popular hair & make up look in Japan right now!
인기있는 머리가 무엇인지 지금 알아보고 일본에서!

レイヤーカットはパサつき感が出てしまうと思っている人もいるが、むしろツヤ感がでるのが正しいレイヤーの入れ方 Some people think that having a layer style will give volume to their hair but the truth is, it makes the hair shiny if it is cut correctly.
Some people think that having a layer style will give volume to their hair but the truth is, it makes the hair shiny if it is cut correctly.
目鼻立ちがはっきりしている女性が前髪を切って少し若く見せるというのは日本人好みのスタイリング Women who have round eyes and high nose can cut their bangs to give off a young and feminine look. This hairstyle is very common to Japanese people. 2nd
Women who have round eyes and high nose can cut their bangs to give off a young and feminine look. This hairstyle is very common to Japanese people.
Modern Soft Wavy Style しっかりレイヤーを入れ毛先をカールをつけることにより、動きを最大限に表現したスタイル。カラーはアッシュカラー。大人な女性らしさを演出。 This hairstyle shows the smooth flow of the hair with firm layering and by adding curls at the tip. Using an Ash shade hair color is also perfect to give off a more feminine look.

Modern Soft
Wavy Style
This hairstyle shows the smooth flow of the hair with firm layering and by adding curls at the tip. Using an Ash shade hair color is also perfect to give off a more feminine look.

Effortless Layer Style with Short Bangs アッシュブラウンカラーのレイヤースタイル。前髪にアクセントをつけ視線を持って来ることにより、しっかりした印象を与える。働く女性におすすめのスタイル。 Layer hairstyle with ash brown hair color is recommended for working women and to give a more impressive look, cutting the bangs a little shorter can add an accent to the over all hair style.

Effortless Layer Style
with Short Bangs
Layer hairstyle with ash brown hair color is recommended for working women and to give a more impressive look, cutting the bangs a little shorter can add an accent to the over all hair style.

Brush Up Trimmed Style サイドのみを刈り上げ穴を空けるようにカットすることにより束感を出したショートスタイル。清潔感のあるビジネスマンスタイル。 Short style that puts out a sense of bunch by cutting so that only side can be cut to make a hole. A businessman style with a sense of cleanliness.

A definite edition of fashionable hair that can be enjoyed regardless of age by matching the length so as not to mow too much side





Japanese stylists sense is a hair style that is damage-free!
인기있는 머리가 무엇인지 지금 알아보고 일본에서!

次のヘアは“エフォートレス レイヤースタイル ウィズ ショート バング”。カラーはモデルの髪がオレンジが強いため青を強めてアッシュ味はあえて出さずナチュラルブラウンに。強い発色を求めるのため酸化剤の濃度が濃く髪を傷めやすいフィリピンのカラーと違い日本の場合は濃度を3~6%に抑えて髪にダメージを与えないのが常識。カットは前髪を短くして目元の印象を強くしたレイヤーカット。スペイン系だというルセルさんの場合はっきりとした目鼻立ちにぴったりとフィットしてかわいらしくもきりっとした印象に仕上がった。日本の女性は前髪を切って若く見られることを好むけどフィリピンの女性は前髪を切りたがらない人が多いとか。でも、たまには日本のトレンドを取り入れて思い切って印象を変えてみてはいかがだろうか?
男性のトレンドはズバリ“クリスティアーノ・ロナウド”風。両サイドを短くカットしたベリーショートの髪型でここ数年続いている不動の人気スタイル。長すぎず短すぎずの束感でさわやかさを演出。自分でスタイリングして束感をうまく出すためには自分の髪質を知ることが大切。気軽にスタイリストに相談してみて。In Japan, Autumn is the best season to dress up because of its perfect weather that you can get fashionable but not all the countries have the same season just like in the Philippines which is a tropical country. So instead of dressing up, Filipinos focus more on getting a new hair style and make up.
In collaboration with NORA, a Japanese Salon that recently opened this month we will be featuring the latest hairstyle and make up this Autumn in Japan.
The first hair style is the Modern Soft Wavy Style with an Ash shade hair color. Originally, Asian people has a strong red shade hair unlike the Europeans and Americans who have a blue shade of hair. Asians, particularly Japanese women would try to eliminate the red shade of their hair and would choose to have a blue shade color.
As for the hair, a layer hair cut is popular in Japan because it is easy to manage and it has a comfortable feel. About 20 years ago, Norika Fujiwara a model in Japan once had a layered bob hair cut during the peak of her popularity and people then were getting the same hair cut. It could also be the same time that the layer hair cut has come to the Philippines.
The second hair style is Effortless Layer Style with Short Buns with bangs cut shorter to emphasize the eyes of the model. Since the model originally has an orange shade of hair, they transform it to a Natural Brown hair color and to achieve this, Oxidizing agent is needed and we all know that it is the ingredient that makes one’s hair damaged. In Japan, the stylists make sure that they do less damage to the hair and to do this, they keep it only to 3% to 6% of oxidizing agent as they do the hair color to avoid damaging the hair.
Ruzel has a Spanish type of look that perfectly fits an upright and pretty impressive style. Japanese women prefer having bangs to make them look young and feminine unlike in the Philippines who prefer not having bangs so the stylist cut Ruzel’s hair and gave her a bangs to be in lline with Japan’s trend and to give her a whole new different look.
Lastly, the trend hair style for men is like Cristiano Ronaldo’s which is commonly called as a clean look. It is also important for men to know their hair quality to be able to know the exact length and style for their hair and consulting from a stylist is preferable to get a good hair style result.








Stylist: Hidekazu Ando







Stylist: Kosuke Nagata

Stylist: Kosuke Nagata

プリンセス・アングロさん 21歳 会社員 Ms. Princess Angulo 21, Office staff

プリンセス・アングロさん 21歳 会社員 Ms. Princess Angulo 21, Office staff

プリンセスさんはまずはヘアカラーから Princess first treatment is hair color.

Princess first treatment is hair color.

ていねいなカットとスタイリングでイメージ通りに仕上げていく Hidezaku proceed with hair cut and styling according to the image look that fits Princess.

Hidezaku proceed with hair cut and styling according to the image look that fits Princess.

「このままパーティーに行きたい」と言っていたプリセスさん。残念ながら撮影後はお仕事でした。 “Now I want to go to a party!” Princess says after getting the make-over but she needs to go back to work.

“Now I want to go to a party!” Princess says after getting the make-over but she needs to go back to work.



ラセル・アベラさん Ms. Ruzel Abella, 24 Accounting Staff

Ms. Ruzel Abella, 24
Accounting Staff

ラセルさんは、シャンプー、カット、カラーの順で Ruzel was given a shampoo, hair cut and hair color.

Ruzel was given a shampoo, hair cut and hair color.

このスタイルのチャームポイント、前髪を繊細かつ大胆にカット The main point of Ruzel’s style is to have a bold cut bangs.

The main point of Ruzel’s style is to have a bold cut bangs.

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日本のサロンはとてもていねいだと驚いていたラセルさん。「ヘアもメイクもとても気に入っています」と笑顔がこぼれた。 Ruzel was then suprised with the result. “I really like this hair and make up!” she said with a smile.

Ruzel was then suprised with the result. “I really like this hair and make up!” she said with a smile.


ロデル・サントス・ラザロさん 34歳社員 Mr. Rodel Santos Lazaro, 34 Office Employee

Mr. Rodel Santos Lazaro, 34 Office Employee

Creative Stylist Hidekazu Ando

Creative Stylist
Hidekazu Ando

撮影終了後に感想を尋ねると「日本人になったみたいと」おどけて見せたロデルさん When I asked for impressions after the shooting ended, Mr. Rodel who showed me "It seemed like I became Japanese"

When I asked for impressions after the shooting ended, Mr. Rodel who showed me “It seemed like I became Japanese”