


Lunchtime is a happy moment of a day. People think about what to eat for lunch when a clock ticks at 11:45am. Going to a local carinderia? Japanese set menu? Sandwiches? Pasta? Energy charge with Tonkatsu? This issue Navi Manila spotlights lunch. What would you like for lunch today?






フィリピンのランチ 主役はカレンデリア















現在、カレンデリアの定番メニューの一つとなっているのは、アドボ。ポークやシーフードのバージョンもあるが、一番ポピュラーなのはチキン・アドボであろう。酢、醤油、コショウ、ニンニクが効いた煮汁が染み込んだご飯もおいしい。そして、フィリピン人にとって、何よりもランチに欠かせないのはやはりライス。サンドイッチやパスタはあくまでメリエンダであり、ご飯じゃないとパワーが出ないと言うNo Rice No Lifeなフィリピン人は多い。



2023年から24年にかけてのフィリピンの米の年間消費量は1人当たり144.8kg(米国農務省のデータより算出)。ちなみに日本の1人当たりの年間消費量は50.8kg(2020年 農林水産省)となっている。おかずを少なく、なるべく安く済ませて、ご飯でお腹をいっぱいにするのがフィリピン流の食事と言われるが、この数字を見ると説得力がある。ただランチに限らず、フィリピンの食事にはもう少し野菜があった方がいいと思うのだが……。






Philippines’ Lunchtime Hot Spot Carinderia 



During lunchtime, people flock to a carinderia aka Turo-Turo on every corner in Manila. A wide variety of dishes at affordable prices satisfy diners’ taste buds. A meat dish is around 65 pesos, vegetable is 35 pesos, rice is 10 – 15 pesos and there is complimentary sinigang soup.


The origin of carinderia dates back to the British occupation of Manila (1762 – 1764). It is believed that British Sepoys married Filipino women and settled in towns along the pilgrimage route to Antipolo Church, serving curry flavored dishes for travelers. The word carinderia was originally “kari”, which means “curry” in Tagalog.



Rice is a Must for Lunch


One of the most popular menus in carinderia is adobo, especially chicken adobo. Apart from chicken, rice flavored with savory adobo sauce made from vinegar, soy sauce, pepper and garlic stimulates our appetite. Needless to say, rice is a staple food in the Philippines and essential to Filipino lunch. Rice consumption of the Philippines is estimated at 144.8 kg per capita (2023-24) while it is 50.8kg in Japan. Having fewer side dishes and more rice is probably the most effective and financially friendly way to fill up your stomach, however, it would be even nicer if there are some more vegetables in Filipino dishes.