

クラ Kura ♀ 4カ月 Four months old 「私がバスルームから出るのをいつも外で待っていて、足に飛びついてきます。いったい何がしたいんでしょう?」

クラちゃんのID。「ネコの種類DSHCは、Domestic Short-Haired Catの略のようです。外出する時にはIDを持参しなくてはならないので、人間が付き添うことになります」
A Cat Holding an ID is
an Early Riser and Milk Lover

Kura ♀ Four months old “ I wonder why Kura always waits for me in front of the bathroom and attacks my feet .”
My girlfriend and I adopted Kura last May. She is full of curiosity, romping around the room and scratching everywhere in the unit, but afraid of going outside. Surprisingly, she has an ID card issued by the condominium we live. Kura sleeps with us on the bed at night and wakes up at sunrise. When I come home, she always waits for me at the entrance while my girlfriend is busy watching TV.
Her favorite food is wet type cat food, she sometimes eats rice. She loves milk. Kura looked like a black cat when adopted, but her fur color is now brighter and some stripes have appeared. I wonder how Kura’s appearance will be changing.