
 食事の締めのデザートはフルーツサラダ。さまざまなフルーツを生クリームと練乳で混ぜ、冷蔵庫で冷やして出来上がり。ナタデココやカオン(サトウヤシ)、 エルボーマカロニを入れることもあります。 クリスマスの時期には教会での礼拝後、屋台で餅米でつくった菓子プト・ブンボンとビビンカを食べるのもフィリピンの習慣です。


Intimate Family Dinners

A Noche Buena Adds to the Christmas Glimmer

Translated as “good night” in Spanish, Noche Buena is a family dinner ingrained in Filipino culture that happens on Christmas Eve. It is so important that even members who live far away would make time to go home and be with their loved ones.This goes beyond the food we eat. It is about the time we spend with our families as we wait for Christmas, the happiness we spread as we give our gifts, and a testament to the bond we have together as Filipinos.What makes a Noche Buena menu different? Depending on the family, the dishes vary, but there are undoubtedly some staples that most cannot go without.



Hamon The Glazed Centerpiece of the Table


Hamon is a must-have with its soft texture, smoky flavor, and shiny pineapple glaze. This enticing piece of meat is a feast for the eyes and taste buds.



エンブティード: フィリピン風ミートローフ

Embutido A Filipino’s Version of Meatloaf


Not hyped as much–but a Christmas staple no less–is Embutido. Containing ground pork, boiled eggs, and sausages among others, this makes for a delectable harmony of flavors in every bite.


フルーツサラダ: シンプル、カラフル&スイート

Fruit Salad A Simple Dessert Everyone Loves


The Fruit Salad is simple to make but delightful to taste. It is a combination of fruits like pineapples, mangoes, and more, mixed with cream and condensed milk, then chilled before serving.

プトブンボン &ビビンカ: 家族の絆を深める!? もち米菓子

Puto Bumbong and Bibingka Christmas Rice Cakes for the Soul

プトブンボンとビビンカは、どちらも米でつくられる菓子。プトブンボンは紫の米を蒸してつくり、竹筒に入れて蒸すことからPuto (米の蒸し菓子)Bumbong(筒状の容器)と名付けられた。バナナの葉の上でバターやマーガリンを塗り、ココナツパウダー、黒砂糖を添える。一方、ビビンカはもち米に塩漬けのアヒルの卵やチーズを載せて焼き、仕上げにココナツや砂糖をまぶした菓子。

Puto Bumbong and Bibingka are sweet treats that everyone craves during this time. Besides being for Noche Buena, they are also special street foods commonly sold outside churches after Simbang Gabi (Traditional Christmas Mass), freshly cooked and ready to warm both the hearts and the bodies of Filipinos.


Christmas Food in Different Cultures


Christmas is celebrated in many countries where each has its own unique dishes and food for the season.


日本 Japan


Christmas Eve is more exciting than Christmas Day in Japan. People spend the day romantically with their partners rather than with their families. Essential foods are fried chicken from KFC and Christmas cake with white whipped cream and strawberries on top. The Japanese Christmas is quite a surprise to people from other countries.

米国 United States


Christmas is a family affair and the main dish is either ham or a whole roasted turkey with cranberry sauce, however according to a survey, roast potatoes and mashed potatoes beat turkey at the top of the list of popular Christmas dishes in the country.

フィンランド Finland


Finland is where Santa Claus’ village is located making December known as the month of Christmas. It is celebrated with warm wine, pork ham, and star-shaped pies for dessert.