フィリピンでは助けを必要とする人もクリスマスを楽しめるように、個人や団体によるチャリティーが多く行われます。個人で支援活動に取り組んできた人たちによって、昨年11月から組織として活動を開始した一般財団法人アクトアズアースメン( ACT as Earthmen)の酒井綾介代表理事に聞きました。

ACT as Earthmen 酒井綾介代表理事 Mr. Ryosuke Sakai
支援活動のスケール拡大 めざすは「地球規模」
一般財団法人として活動を行っていくうえで、今は実績をつくっていかなくてはなりません。今年のクリスマスには、日本の児童養護施設をプロのアスリートが訪問し、子どもと一緒にスポーツを楽しむチャリティイベントを予定しています。事情があって親と一緒に暮らすことができない子どもたちの心のケアをし、自分の努力で未来を切り開いてきたプロアスリート と関わることで前向きな自己肯定感を持つ機会となればと思っています。

2023年10月、トンド地区でのボランティア活動にて。 Social action program in Tondo, Manila in October, 2023 (写真提供: ACT as Earthmen)
Christmas Without a Border
Gift Giving Brings the World Together
In the Philippines, this season is when the spirit of helping becomes more prominent as Filipinos believe that sharing your blessings makes Christmas what it is. Navi Manila interviews Mr. Ryosuke Sakai, a representative director of the Japanese social enterprise “ACT as Earthmen,” which was formed in November 2024 by members engaged in various support activities as individuals.
Support Activities Knows No Bounds for ACT as Earthmen
There are currently seven board members of ACT as Earthmen who have all been individually involved in volunteer activities in Japan and overseas while running their own companies.
We met each other on one occasion and became connected when we realized we all had something in common–our volunteer activities. We then decided to establish an organization because we felt that we could work more broadly while being more financially transparent.
We need to establish a track record now in order to be able to conduct our activities more widely and reach more people. This Christmas, we are planning to hold a charity event in which professional athletes will visit orphanages in Japan to teach sports to the children and enjoy with them. Through this event, we hope to provide emotional care for children who are unable to live with their parents due to circumstances and allow them to have positive self-esteem through interacting with others.
In the Philippines, we will continue to provide clothing, medical checkups, and dental checkups for children in underprivileged areas. As we grow, we would like to expand our activities to other countries in Southeast Asia and around the world.
We are not bound by being “Japanese” because no matter where you are from or where you have been, we are all global citizens and people of this Earth, hence the name of our organization, ACT as Earthmen.