



Hair Transplant for Anti-Aging is Ongoing




ハラ さん(仮名) Hara (alias)









 施術後は専用のシャンプーを提供されるので、2日後から洗髪できます。散髪は1カ月後から、カラーは半年後から可能です。今は植毛した毛が毛根細胞を残して1度抜ける「暗黒期」なので、変な髪型に見えるのが少しつらいのですが…(笑) ただ暗黒期の3~4カ月間を乗り越えれば、育毛期が始まり、施術から約1年後には植毛完了です。完了後にヘアラインが下がって若々しく見えるのが楽しみです。最終的に髪型はスカスカ感のない金髪のセンターパートにしたいですね。




I didn’t have any trouble with thinning hair or falling hair but I had a hair transplant treatment to make me look younger. I had the transplant method without using a scalpel, which is called FUE. I transplanted about 3000 hair grafts and it cost me about 200,000 pesos. The advantages of having the treatment in the Philippines are affordable price and trustworthy technique of the Filipino expert doctor who has been trained in Turkey, which is internationally renowned for hair transplant.


I shaved all my hair to make transplanted hair take root faster. Generally, the one-time treatment is good enough. But it also depends on your desired area of treatment and the case of the “isolated island” condition that creates a gap between the hairline and the transplanted part.


After two days of the treatment, it is allowed to wash your hair with the shampoo provided by the doctor. You can have your hair cut after a month and your hair color after six months. I am currently experiencing the phase called “ugly duckling stage” but the whole process will be completed after a year from the treatment. I am looking forward to seeing rejuvenated myself and trying the new hairstyle.