「アーニス(Arnis)」は、両手に木製のバストンと呼ばれるスティックやナイフ、剣を持って闘うフィリピン発祥の格闘技だ。足を大きく開いて前後左右に動き、体重移動しつつ、スティックを振り動かす。スリリングな攻防が繰り広げられ、木と木がぶつかり合うと、カン、カン、と小気味いい音が響く。2009年に共和国法(Republic Act No. 9850)においてフィリピンの国技に指定されており、実は世界的な認知度も高い。香港出身の武術家で俳優のブルース・リーが、映画やドラマの殺陣シーンのためにアーニスを取り入れたこともある。


One and Only Filipino National Sport
Arnis is a Martial Art originated from the Philippines, and officially declared as the Filipino official national sport in 2009 through Republic Act No. 9850. With two wooden weapon called “baston”, fighters swing those around and fight against the opponent while defending themselves. The principal of Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima, is sometimes seen in movies or drama’s fight scene. Male practitioners are named “Arnisador” while female are called “Arnisadora”.
Originally, this combat sport was practiced by commoner class people who were not educated enough to keep the documentation about Arnis. Therefore, few written records are found. However, there is a legendary story that Lapu-Lapu was able to defeat Ferdinand Magellan on the historical Battle of Mactan because he had some experience of Arnis.
The organizations, including World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (WEKAF), Philippine Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (PEKAF) and Lightening Scientific Arnis International (LSAI), implement the tournaments in the Philippines and introduce the new belting system.
