
ヤウ・ヤンという名称は、タガログ語のSayaw ng Kamatayanに基づく。「死の舞(Dance of Death)」と訳され、ヤウ・ヤンの別称にもなっている。襲われたときや、攻撃を受けたときに自分の身を護り、死に抵抗することを意味するという。ヤウ・ヤンを習うことで護身術を身に着けることができるので、女性や子どもにもおすすめの格闘技といえる。

最年少ファイターは6歳! この飛び膝蹴りで将来はフィリピンを代表する格闘家になるかもしれない。
Fighting to Survive, Dance of Death
Yaw-Yan is a Filipino Martial Art that is known to those in the know. It might be described as a Filipino version of jujutsu or muay thai due to the similarity of its movements, styles and philosophy. In fact, the founder as well as the grand master of Yaw-Yan, Mr. Napoleon Fernandez developed this Martial Art in 1972 with the essence of jujutsu, karate, aikido, and arnis. Yaw-Yan reflects the physique of Filipinos.
Yaw-Yan was named after the Tagalog line “Sayaw ng Kamatayan” meaning “Dance of Death”. The name comes from the defense and the confrontation against death when attacked. This combat sport is useful to self-defend that may also be recommended to women and children.
It is rare to hold the official Yaw-Yan competition or tournament because it is still a new Martial Art and has a fewer population of players than other Martial Arts. On the other hand, Yaw-Yan fighters have the advantage of having knowledge of other Martial Arts rules and styles as they need to adapt to them in order to participate in competitions.

ヤウ・ヤンの選手が出場したムエタイの試合(5月 首都圏ケソン市にて)