Your Hair, We Care
One of the biggest worries for Japanese living in the Philippines is hair care. There are differences between the Philippines and Japan in taking care of hair, including unwanted hair. This issue, Navi Manila explores how to deal with hair problems and unwanted hair in Manila.
日本とフィリピンの髪に対する環境は、具体的に何が違うのでしょうか? 在フィリピン日本人の悩めるヘアケアについて、マニラで長年ヘアスタイリストとして活躍する樋口満夫さんに聞きました。
What exactly do we need to know about hair care in the environment of the Philippines? Navi Manila asks for Mr. Higuchi’s advice, who works as a hairstylist in Manila for more than a decade.

樋口 満夫 さん Mitsuo Higuchi 北海道帯広市出身。美容師歴36年、管理美容師歴33年。日本で美容サロンを16年間経営した後、2007年に来比。美容サロン「ヒグチヘアサロン」を起業し、現在はジュンカホールディングスと合併。フィリピンでの事業を統括する。 孤児院や老人ホームなどでの無料散髪、各地方の貧困地区での大型浄水機の設置など社会貢献活動にも積極的に取り組んでいる。
Q1. マニラと日本の環境の違いによる髪への影響は?
Q2. 洗髪や髪の手入れをするにあたって気を付けるべきことは?
Q3. マニラで市販されているシャンプーなどを買うときの注意点は?
Q4. フィリピン人と日本人の髪質の違いは?
Q5. フィリピン人の洗髪やヘアケアの習慣について思うことは?
Q6. マニラでヘアスタイリングやヘアケアに悩みをもつ方へのアドバイスは?
Cherish Your Hair and
Try on a New Style
Q1. What is the impact on hair due to the difference in environment between Manila and Japan?
The environment in Manila is harsh for hair. The water is hard water that includes plenty of calcium and magnesium and doesn’t usually suit for domestic use. It makes our hair frizzy so Japanese people find their hair suddenly becomes hard to treat. Some Japanese women give up on having smooth hair and just tie them up. For Japanese men, especially those who often go outside, it is easy to have scalp troubles due to sweat and dust.
Q2. What should we be careful of when washing hair and doing hair care?
It is important to do the damage care with a hair pack after shampooing and dry your hair with a dryer right after rinsing. You should avoid sleeping with wet hair as it damages your hair cuticle. Getting a straight perm is also a way to make your hair smooth. Drying with hot air is recommended to disinfect your scalp.
Q3. What type of hair care products are recommended?
Generally, shampoos sold in Manila are stronger and more foamy compared to those from Japan. If you don’t rinse enough, it may cause troubles, such as dandruff and itchiness. Whatever kind of shampoo you use, the most important thing is to rinse thoroughly.
I recommend Cetaphil brand shampoos, which are available in the Philippines. They are gentle for hair and the scalp as well as powerful enough to wash hair. Hair treatment and hair pack products made with natural ingredients are also better than conditioners.
Q4. What are the differences between Filipino hair and Japanese hair?
In the Philippines, each person has different features on their face due to different ethnic backgrounds, such as Malay, Spanish, Chinese, etc. This diversity also applies to the types of hair. The daily lifestyle and styling method are also important factors that affect hair. Therefore, it is vital to give counseling to customers before cutting hair. I ask the customers about their lifestyle first before suggesting what kind of styles the customer should go with.
Q5. What do you think about the typical Filipino ways of hair treatments?
Filipino people typically have thick and frizzy hair in order to protect their scalps from the strong heat and UV rays all year long. As an etiquette to shower off their sweat and release the heat inside of their body, they take a shower in the morning with cold water. Showering in the morning itself is totally fine but it should be avoided to go out with wet hair as dust easily attaches and gets stuck in there.
A decade ago, Filipino women used plenty of conditioner on their hair and didn’t rinse well to straighten their hair with the weight of conditioner. Today, it is common to straighten with technologies, including the straight perm and rebonding. But still, there is a habit of remaining conditioner on hair without rinsing well.
Q6. Any advice for those who worry about hair care?
I understand there are many Japanese who are frustrated with frizzy hair after moving to the Philippines. I would like to suggest that they try new hair styles and colors here in the Philippines. Please refresh your feelings with some changes and enjoy your new style.
junca Beauty Label
7441 Santillan St. Corner Ferdinando St. Pio Del Pilar, Makati City