Snorkeling is a perfect gateway to the marine sport world. Fun to swim like fish, you will be hooked on the excitement of snorkeling.
フィリピンにいるなら海を楽しまなければもったいない! とやる気を掻き立てられて、昨年アニラオで始めたシュノーケリング。これまでのシュノーケリング経験は、すべてアニラオの海。3回目となる今回も縁あってアニラオへ。パシフィコ・アズール・リゾートからダイバーと一緒にボートでダイビングスポットへ行き、シュノーケリングを楽しんだ。
水面を漂いつつ海中を眺め、何かに出会えそうなポイントをめざす。Float and explore in the sea, swimming to a spot where something interesting seems to wait.
ニモとイソギンチャク Clownfish a.k.a. Nemo nestled in sea anemone(Photo:Pacifico Azul Resort)
Meeting Nemo and Dory
Having stimulated my curiosity for the underwater world in the Philippines, I started snorkeling last year. In March, I enjoyed snorkeling in Anilao, Batangas, where I became a snorkeler, and it has been my favorite snorkeling destination ever since.
The sea of Anilao has a vista of the emerald green water. The surface of the sea is beautiful and the underwater world is unimaginably magnificent. It is like a landscape art created by nature.
Snorkeling enables us to look at the underwater world as if we saw a painting. I was so excited to see colorful fishes like clownfish and blue tang, real Nemo and Dory! Watching many tiny fish swimming around and encountering a jellyfish, I felt like an underwater resident.
Pinnacle of Relaxation
Getting tired from swimming with fishes, I just floated in the water, listened to the natural sound in the water and enjoyed myself in the tranquility. I would like to take underwater photographs next time. I hope I can swim with a turtle and take a photo with it. I look forward to go snorkeling again sometime soon.
マイペースにシュノーケリングを楽しんで、岩場でひと休み。鋭い貝やでこぼこの岩で指を切らないように注意。Taking a rest at the cave. Be aware of razor sharp shells and spiky rocks.