Here Comes a Hair Free Man !
大切にケアされ、美しく保たれる毛もあれば、その存在を嫌われ、剃られたり、抜かれたりする毛がある。同じ毛でも生えている箇所によってこんなにも扱いが異なることに、さぞムダ毛は無念に思っているだろう。はたして、フィリピンにおける脱毛に対する意識とは? そして、サロンでの脱毛とはいかなるものか。ナビマニラのおっさん記者が初めて体験してみた。
It’s unfair! Hair is treated differently depending on where it grows on our body. Some hair is well-groomed, but unwanted hair is mercilessly removed. A male reporter undergoes a professional hair removal treatment to be a hair free man!
What Filipinos Think About Men’s Hair Removal
最近、日本では性別を問わずムダ毛の処理は常識となりつつあるという。フィリピンで男性のムダ毛脱毛は社会的に受け入れられているのか? ナビマニラ編集部界隈でフィリピン人男女各10人、計20
In Japan, hair removal is now getting common regardless of gender. How about in the Philippines?
Do you think men should remove unwanted hair?
脱毛賛成派 Pro-Hair Free
●爽やかで清潔感がある。(女性・49歳)Neat and hygienic.
●ムダ毛があると醜く、不潔な感じ。(男性・27歳)Those who grow unwanted hair looks ugly and unclean.
脱毛反対派 Anti-Hair Free
There is no unwanted hair on our body. Every hair has a function.
It’s natural that men have hair on their body. Men with mustache are attractive like Tony Stark in “Iron Man”.
Which hair do you think should be removed from a male body?
●胸毛、ひげを伸ばし放題なのは汚い感じ (女性・27歳)
Chest and facial hair look dirty.
Armpit hair should be removed to prevent odor.
Chest hair makes men look like a gorilla.
Pubic hair for hygiene reason.