Lunch Scenes in Manila
Lunchtime @ Aniporium by Avalon Oath

セブンイレブンのチキン&ライスとカップ麺がこの日のランチだったジュールズさん。彼はフィリピン人に珍しく(?)ランチに米がなくてもいい派。好きなアニメはFate。 Jules is fine with having noodles, not rice, for lunch, which seems rare as a Filipino…?

インベントリー部のマークスさん。仕事をしながらランチをとることも。 Marx sometimes works while having lunch.

この日の弁当は、母親が夕飯に作ったピナクベットと、昨晩自分で揚げておいたフライドチキン。 His lunch of the day is pinakbet cooked by his mother for dinner and fried chicken he prepared last night.
Quick Office Lunch
At a Popular Anime Store
At Aniporium, one of the biggest anime goods shops in the Philippines, the employees normally spend their lunchtime at their own desk in the office beside the showroom.

スラムダンクとドラゴンボールが好きなジェドさん。辛党だそうで、ランチはアンクル・ジョンズで買ってきたスパイシーチキン&ライスとバーガー。 Jed, who likes Slam Dunk and Dragon Ball, chose Uncle John’s spicy chicken for lunch.
Jules, a marketing assistant who is tied up with daily tasks, often buys his lunch in Seven Eleven. “I sometimes bring my lunch from home or order delivery meal. But Seven Eleven is usually the first choice”, he said.
Meanwhile, Marx from the inventory department brings his lunch box made on his own. He usually spends his one hour lunch with his colleague, Jed.
Lunchtime in the anime shop is simple and fast-paced rather than fancy and laid-back.