Lunch Scenes in Manila
Lunchtime @ CyberBrothers Consultancy Inc.

取材当日、スタッフの皆さんのランチは牛丼! 7月に 田中社長の別事業でスタートした牛丼の持ち帰りサービス「GyustoKo」のランチでした。 It’s gyudon beef bowl lunch today! Gyudon is from GyustoKo, a gyudon to go service, which was launched last July.
スタッフにランチのご飯を提供するポリシーは、CEOの 田中悠太氏がバックパッカーとして世界を旅した経験から得た「食べることと住むところが重要」という考えから。

お揃いのGyustoKoユニフォームのアドミンチーム。「ご飯は毎日5合炊きます。オフィスでご飯食べ放題というのはありがたいですね」(テルマさん/左から2人目) “We cook five cups of rice every day. We really appreciate that the company provides unlimited rice for us.” (Thelma / second from the left)
GyustoKo website :
GyustoKo Facebook :
Freshly Cooked Rice is Ready for Energizing Employees
At the Cyber Brothers Consultancy Inc. office in Makati City, a staff cooks rice around 11am daily. The company specializes in IT solution and digital marketing for corporate clients. A welfare policy of the company is to provide rice to the employees at lunchtime and rent a condominium unit for those who take more than one hour to commute to the office.
This policy is based on the CEO Mr. Yuta Tanaka’s experiences as a backpacker across the globe; food and a place to live are essential elements for life. Having a positive work environment enhances productivity.

ランチを食べながら仕事や、時にゲームを楽しむエンジニアチームの皆さん。 「実は会社で食べるまで、牛丼を食べたことがなかったんです。牛肉が好きなので、大盛はうれしいです」(ジャイさん/右奥) “It was my first time to try a gyudon when the company provided. I love beef. I am always happy to have a large gyudon.” (Jai / back right)
What about CEO’s lunch? Mr. Tanaka says, “I don’t usually have lunch to avoid being sleepy in the afternoon.”
For the increasing productivity at the office, some eat lunch, some skip lunch. As many heads, as many wits.