AKB 48 Sister Group MNL 48 is Finally Starting! MNL 48 Registration and Audition Tours at Various Places!
「MNL48 Registration and Audition Tour」各地を巡回開催中


AKB48のヒット曲に乗せて繰り広げられるダンスパフォーマンス Dance performances on the beat of AKB 48 hit songs

すでにスタートしているWEBサイトのメンバーエントリーと投票に加え、10月14よりイベント形式でのエントリー受付をスタート。最終的には1万5000名ほどのエントリーが見込まれるという。ABS-CBNとのパートナーシップによりスタートしたこのプロジェクトは「MNL48 Registration and Audition Tour」と題され、エントリー受付のほか、AKB48の楽曲によるダンスパフォーマンスやAKB48に関するクイズショーなどのステージイベント、そして特別仕様の車載型ミニスタジオでのパフォーマンス収録などが行われ、随時ABSが放送。
In addition to the member entry and voting on the website, the organizers started accepting entries for the official event last October 14. Eventually about 15,000 entries will be expected. Partnering with ABS-CBN, this project was entitled “MNL 48 Registration and Audition Tour”. Acceptance of entries, dance performances of AKB 48 songs and quiz shows about AKB 48 is being held as well as performance recording in a special mini-studio bus. ABS-CBN will broadcast it anytime soon. The tour continues until the finals that will be held on December 3. A voting will be held with a new tv program. The broadcast is scheduled on January 2018. Members of MNL 48 will officially be chosen on March and the prospects of CD and public debut around June after members go through training.
Mr. Shuichi Kurosawa, MNL 48 Repre-sentative, said: “Any girl between the ages of 15 and 20 can join. Anyone who has internet and can access the website, can vote. It’s a very fair system and a fair audition for everyone. Family members, friends, people around them, I want them all to be involved in fullfilling the dream of the girls. There will be a lot of surprises so watch out for it.”
Unlike Japan, the Philippines has overwhelmingly many young people and children. Economic growth has been going well, but there are still a lot of work to be done. There are still children who can not go to school. That is why MNL 48 can be a sign of hope for such a young generation. Getting a chance at the audition and working hard to be an idol, such an inspiring Cinderella story has already begun.
ダンスパフォーマンスチームのメンバーがプラカードを掲げて会場や場外でMNL48をアピール Members of the dance performance carry placards to promote MNL 48 at the venue and outside.

ダンスパフォーマンスチームのメンバーがプラカードを掲げて会場や場外でMNL48をアピール Members of the dance performance carry placards to promote MNL 48 at the venue and outside.

48グループのファンコミュニティーFILWOTA48のみなさん。左端が代表のYOUKOさん Members of 48 group fan community FILWOTA 48. Representative Mr. Youko at the extreme left.

48グループのファンコミュニティーFILWOTA48のみなさん。左端が代表のYOUKOさん Members of 48 group fan community FILWOTA 48. Representative Mr. Youko at the extreme left.

車載されたミニスタジオで応募者が思い思いにパフォーマンスを収録 Applicants record powerful per-formances at the special mini-studio bus.

車載されたミニスタジオで応募者が思い思いにパフォーマンスを収録 Applicants record powerful per-formances at the special mini-studio bus.

姉と一緒に訪れエントリーを済ませたJan Aira Quinitoさん(右)。独学で身に着けた日本語と英語でコメントしてくれた Joining with her sister, Jan Aira Quinito (Right), just after their audition. She gave us a comment in English and in Japanese which she self studies.

姉と一緒に訪れエントリーを済ませたJan Aira Quinitoさん(右)。独学で身に着けた日本語と英語でコメントしてくれた Joining with her sister, Jan Aira Quinito (Right), just after their audition. She gave us a comment in English and in Japanese which she self studies.

A lot of Filipinos don’t know about AKB48 so there are lots of doubt. They may mistakenly identify it as KPOP, which is completely different. Growing up listening to Japanese music and watching Japanese dramas, I think MNL48 is a good opportunity to introduce JPOP to everyone. I might be lacking but I’ll work hard and do my best to spread Japanese idol culture.」