Whole Pet Kitchen

動物愛護団体PAWSとの共同チャリティプロジェクトを行った創業者のジャニーナさん(左) Ms. Janina (left), founder of Whole Pet Kitchen, held a charity project with PAWS
Bone Appé-treat ! Whisker-Lickin’ Good Treats
Whole Pet Kitchen is a pet food brand that provides healthy, high-quality meals for your furry friends. The brand was born from founder Janina’s personal experience when her aging dog struggled to eat due to stress. Driven by the need to nourish her pet with better food, she started crafting her own recipes, which sparked her passion for pet nutrition and eventually led to the launch of Whole Pet Kitchen.

特別な日は特注ケーキでお祝い Celebrate special days with a custom-made cake
Each Whole Pet Kitchen product is formulated with essential vitamins and minerals to boost your pet’s health and vitality. Made from fresh, locally-sourced meats and vegetables, their meals provide optimal nutrition while still allowing you to enjoy quality moments spent walking, grooming, training, and bonding with your pet.
For pets with specific dietary needs, Whole Pet Kitchen offers the option to customize meals based on health conditions, illnesses, or unique nutritional requirements. They even create special treats like birthday cakes for your pet’s un-fur-gettable milestones. As the first all-natural pet food in the Philippines to be approved by veterinarians and sold in veterinary clinics, you can trust that with Whole Pet Kitchen, your pets are receiving the nutrition they deserve.
(Photos Courtesy of Whole Pet Kitchen)