声優として活躍し、フィリピン航空の機内アナウンスの声としても知られるインカ・マグナイェさん。彼女はその声を生かし、インフルエンサーとして動物福祉への思いを伝えています。犬や猫といった一般的なペットだけでなく、ヘビにカマキリ、ザリガニ、ワラジムシ、トカゲなどさまざまな動物をペットとして迎えてきた生粋の動物愛好家であるインカさんに、ペットとしての爬虫類の魅力や思いを語ってもらいました。 (Photos Courtesy of Inka Magnaye)

ボールパイソンのパーシー Percy, Inka’s eldest Ball Python
3.ヘビは、窒息させようと思って人を締め上げる:確かにヘビには締める力があります。 腕も足も手もないので、あなたを離すまいと締めるんです。そうしなかったら、落ちてしまいます。また、ヘビはあなたの体温を感じたいと思って締めます。冷血動物ゆえに、自分で体温を上げることができないので。
Special Interview
Hiss and Tell
Inka Magnaye Sets The Record Straight on Snakes
You might recognize Inka Magnaye as the iconic voice that has launched a thousand flights on Philippine Airlines. She also uses her voice to champion causes close to her heart, especially when it comes to animal welfare. Her love for animals knows no bounds; she has opened her home to countless creatures, from praying mantises and crayfish to isopods and geckos. When she received Percy, a ball python, as a gift from one of her followers, it was love at first sight. Soon after, she welcomed Andromeda, a stunning blue-eyed leucistic ball python, into her family. Today, Inka is on a mission to shatter the stigma surrounding these often-misunderstood pets, and inspire others to embrace all forms of life, no matter how unconventional.
What inspired you to choose snakes as pets?
Apart from being a pet that’s out of the ordinary, I think I’ve just had a special connection with snakes since I was a child. My family brought me to Manila Zoo when I was younger and we all took photos with the Burmese Python and they were telling me how I kept hugging the snake, so I’ve loved them ever since. But of course, all pets and animals are special in their own way.

Andromeda, the leucistic Ball Python
Do your snake pets have any particular quirks that fascinate you?
Oh, I remember the realization that they don’t have moving eyelids and so they sleep with their eyes open. It was such a trip. In the beginning, I didn’t know when they were asleep or just relaxed, but now I know.
Also, the fact that captive snakes have a life expectancy of about 60 years! So that made me happy. I’ve had my fair share of heartbreaks from pet loss, and going through that every 8-10 years isn’t something my heart is ready to do. So knowing I have potential life partners in my snakes gives me a lot of comfort.
What makes snakes very different from a traditional pet, though, is that snakes don’t really feel like they’re interacting with you for the most part. They just exist, and you take care of them. It’s a very selfless relationship. We get cuddles from our dogs and cats, geckos and mantis have a level of interaction where you know they’re responding to you. You don’t get that with snakes, at least not to an obvious degree. A lot of snake keepers say they don’t form bonds, but there are some of us who feel like they do. It just looks different.
What are the common misconceptions about snakes that you want to debunk?
1 “All snakes want to harm you” – It’s the opposite. They KNOW you want to harm them and are afraid of you. They just want to be left alone. They will only attack if they feel like it’s their last resort.
2 “Your pet snake is just sizing you up and waiting till it’s big enough to eat you.” – Snakes don’t “size up their prey” waiting to eat it. They’re opportunistic eaters that know immediately if it fits in their mouth or not.
3 “It’s choking you because it wants to kill you” – Snakes squeeze. They do it to hold on to you because remember they do not have arms or legs or hands. If they don’t do that, they will fall. They also squeeze because they want to get more warmth from your body. They’re cold-blooded, so they can’t produce their own heat.
What advice would you give to people considering snakes as potential pets?
First and foremost, REMEMBER: Captive snakes live for DECADES. If you are not prepared to make that lifelong commitment, to adjust your life to make sure you always have ample space and time to care for your snake til you are old, then please do not get one.
How do you think owning snakes has impacted your perspective on animal care?
It taught me that animal care does not need to be a two-way street of affection. We’re so used to the love of cats and dogs that we tend to look for that in other animals that we care for, and if we don’t, it can put a damper on wanting to care for them.Taking care of snakes has taught me that I can just take care of something for the sake of it, for the love of it.