Everyday, you see and hear a lot. But, most are usually forgotten. However, there are rare cases where it is memorized in one corner of the brain and sometimes recalled. So now, we are introducing some interesting topics.

Feature Editor: Kiguchi Makoto

Sail Residences / Developer: SMDC | 858-0300; 0917-500-5151 | https://smdc.com/


Condominiums are a Good Investment

Asset management by purchasing condominiums when the Philippine economy is growing. Aim for income gain and capital gain!

日本では東京オリンピックを来年に控えマンションバブルだとされるが、経済成長の続くフィリピンもコンドミニアムの価格上昇は続いている。中央銀行によると首都圏を中心に次々と建設が進むコンドミニアムの価格指数は、18年第4四半期から0.9ポイント増の146.3ポイント(14年第1四半期を100とした指数)。マカティ市のコンドミニアムの価格は2018年4月時点で1㎡あたり10万~25万ペソと高騰(不動産情報サイトドットプロパティ調べ)。人口減少が著しい日本と違い、2028年には日本の人口を上回ると試算されるフィリピンは経済成長に人口ボーナスが相まってますますコンドミニアムの需要も高まっていくだろう。そこで、“気になる”のがコンドミニアムへの不動産投資だ。フィリピンの場合外国人の土地所有は認められていないがコンドミニアムやタウンハウスなら購入可能。もちろん自分で住むのもいいが、インカムゲインを得つつ機を見て売り抜きキャピタルゲインを得る。んーっ、何て理想的! 資金のメドがつく人は一度検討してみるのもありだと思う。狙い目はやはりマカティやBGC、ケソンなどの首都圏。カジノリゾートや大型ショッピングモールMOAなどがあり開発が進むパサイの湾岸エリアも狙い目だ。これらのエリアに多数の物件を擁するSMグループの「SMDC」などは、取引にも安心感があっておすすめのデベロッパー。購入の際には同グループの国内最大手銀行BDOの住宅ローンも利用も可能。居住用であれば査定価格の80%、非居住の場合でも70%までの融資が受けられる。
In Japan, There is a condominium bubble will be ahead of the Tokyo Olympics next year. In the Philippines, where economic growth continues, the price of condominiums continues to rise. Therefore, We are interested in real estate investment in condominiums. Of course you can live on your own, but it is better that you get income gains and you will get capital gains.
The target is still the metropolitan area such as Makati, BGC, and Quezon. Also, the Bay Area of ​​Pasay, which is being developed with casino resorts and a large shopping mall MOA. (SMDC) of SM Group, which has many properties in these areas, is a recommended developer with a sense of security in dealings. You can also use a mortgage loan from BDO, the largest domestic bank in the group, when purchasing. Loans can be borrowed up to 80% of the appraisal price for residential use and up to 70% for non-residents.
Real estate investment that is easy to start because it is said to be about 1/4 of a condominium in Japan. Would you like to take the challenge?


気になるCoslandia 2019
Excitement and Expectation Coslandia 2019

The ultimate Japanese otaku culture festival is back, Get ready for a three-days activity. Entertainment and guest artist in field of idols, comics, anime, cosplay, e-sports and games. so don’t miss it!

昨年ケソン市のセントリスウォークとムービースターズカフェを舞台に開催されたイベント「コスランディア」が規模を大幅に拡大して11月1~3日、BGCのSMオーラSMXコンベンションセンターで開催決定!今の日本を象徴するオタク文化、アイドル、漫画、アニメ、コスプレ、e-スポーツ、ゲームのスペシャリストがフィリピン国内外から大集結。ステージを始め様々なパフォーマンスやアトラクションが繰り広げられる。AKB48の姉妹グループMNL48を始め、REVERSE TOKYO、1-GIRLS、GRACOREX.、HAZUKI TSUBASA、SAMERO、YUASA MICHIRU、FAIRYTALESといった日本からのゲストアイドル、さらにアニメ声優やアニソンシンガーも登場予定。また、世界的なコスプレイヤーのパフォーマンス、世界で唯一のコスプレ雑誌「Cosplay Mode」のバックナンバーやノベルティー販売も注目。ちなみに「Cosplay Mode」はフィリピンで2020年に英語版の創刊を計画中。
Coslandia is an annual event headed by Hallohallo Entertainment Inc. that aims to bring Japan closer to J Culture not only in the Philippines but to the world. This November 1-3 “Coslandia 2019” will be held at SMX Convention Center Aura Premier in BGC, Taguig City. Guest Artist in field of idols, comics, anime, cosplay, e-sports, and games that symbolize Japan now gather from all over the Philippines and Japan. Various performances and attractions on stage: AKB48’s sister group MNL48, REVERSE TOKYO, 1-GIRLS, GRACOREX., HAZUKI TSUBASA, SAMERO, YUASA MICHIRU, FAIRYTALES, anime voice actors and theme song singers. Also pay attention with the performance of international and local cosplayers. Cosplay magazine “Cosplay Mode” will be appear in the event, where they sell their back catalogue and magazine novelties. Also, “Cosplay Mode” is planning to launch an English version in the Philippines in 2020.
Film director Tetsuya Hashi and the cast of live-action movie adaptation “Seikimatsu Blue’s “will hang out with you. Have them sign your limited English edition copies of Seikimatsu Blue’s comic book that will be up for grabs exclusively during the event.
For those who are otaku, cosplayer fanatic or someone who has interest anything about J culture, don’t miss the chance to be a part of the biggest J culture festival in the Philippines.


Lactic Acid Fermentation

It is low protein and delicious and possibly due to long storage. Furthermore, it is packed and does not need cooking time. Order now if you are interested!

乳酸菌とは「様々な糖を原料にして多くの乳酸を生成する細菌」の総称。ヨーグルトやチーズ、味噌、醤油、漬物など古くから様々な食に用いられてきたが、近年注目を集めているのが「植物性乳酸菌」。そしてそのパイオニア、株式会社バイオテックジャパンがフィリピンに現地法人を設立し販売を開始したのが、乳酸発酵の技術を用いたレトルトパックのご飯シリーズ。使用されている米はフィリピン産だが日本米のようにふっくら、もっちりとした炊き上がりになっているのが特徴。たんぱく質を1/10にカットした“ECHIGO”やカロリーを30%減らした“GOHAN LITE”など、健康を気遣う人にうれしい製品もラインナップされているので“気になる”人はぜひ試してみて。(ちなみにまにら新聞でケース単位での販売受付と配送を行っています。右記参照)
Lactic acid bacteria is a general term for “bacteria that produce a large amount of lactic acid from glucose.” Although it has been used for various foods such as yogurt, cheese, miso, soy sauce, and pickles, “plant-based lactic acid bacteria” has attracted attention in recent years. Biotech Japan Co., Ltd. That is a pioneer of plant Lactobacillus, established a local subsidiary in the Philippines and started selling the retort pack rice series using lactic acid fermentation technology. Although the rice used is from the Philippines, it is fluffy like Japanese rice.
If you are interested, try the products that are good for health-conscious people, such as “ECHIGO” with 1/10 cut protein and “GOHAN LITE” with 30% less calories. (Manila Shimbun accept sales and deliver that by case, see right photos)

Application: Manila Shimbun Customer Service Section
Tel: (02)890-8480
E-mail: jpdesk@manilashimbun.com
※Payment is cash on delivery
※まにら新聞購読者(マニラ首都圏)は配達料無料! ラグーナ地区、購読者以外の方は配達料別途P50
※Manila Shimbun subscribers
(Metro Manila) are free of charge!

パック入りご飯『インスタライス』 1 box/20 pcs P800

カロリー30%減『ゴハンライト』 1 box/20 pcs P1,200

腎臓病患者様向け                                       災害時非常食向け

タンパク質1/10 (ECHIGO) 1 box/20 pcs P1,350

調理不要(RICE TO GO) 1 box/20 P850


Manila Shimbun delivery staff will deliver to your residence.



Blue Light Blocking

ブルーライトは利便性の代償? でも、手を拱いていてはダメ! 目のダメージが蓄積する前にブルーライトカットメガネの着用を。
Is blue light inevitable for our eyes? But don’t give up. Wear blue light blocking glasses, the best way for a healthy vision.

そもそもブルーライトとは自然界に存在する波長が短く強い光のこと。太陽光のもと青いものが青く見えるのもこの光のおかげで、それ自体が問題というわけではない。パソコンやスマホなど至近距離でその光を目に受けてしまうことが問題なのだ。パソコンやスマホの液晶画面の光源はLEDでこのLEDが強いブルーライトを発する要因となっている。通常、光は様々な色が混じり合って白色になるが、LEDの場合青色と黄色のみで白色を作り出すためブルーライトがさらに強くなり、目にダメージを与えているのだ。パソコンやスマホを操作していて画面がまぶしく感じられたり文字がぼやけてきたりしたことはないだろうか? この時目は光やピントの調整を繰り返すため疲労度を増し、また、画面を凝視することで瞬きが減り眼球の渇きも引き起こしやすくなる。さらにブルーライトは睡眠ホルモンの分泌を妨げるため健康な睡眠が阻害されかねないのだ。んーっ“気になる”。
ではこんな厄介なブルーライトにどう対処すればいいのか? ズバリおすすめはブルーライトをカットしてくれるメガネの着用だ。たとえば、マニラでも最近積極的に店舗展開している日本国内販売本数No.1のメガネ専門店J!NS(ジンズ)では、ブルーライト25%CUTと長時間作業する人のための40%CUT、そして子供用の25%CUT KIDSのJ!NS SCREENをラインナップ。
日常生活の中でパソコンやスマホは必要不可欠な現代だからこそ、十分に自分の目を労わることもまた必要不可欠。目にいらぬダメージを与え続けて後から後悔しないためにも今すぐブルーライトカットメガネJ!NS SCREENの着用を始めよう。
Now, blue light sources are becoming increasingly common in today’s environment. Exposure to blue light comes from a variety of technologies including computers, phones, televisions, and lights. Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum, defined as having a wavelength a type of high-energy visible light.
The light source of the LCD screen of personal computers and smartphones is a LED, and this LED emits strong blue light. Normally, light mixes various colors and turns white, but in the case of LEDs, the blue light becomes stronger because it produces white with only blue and yellow, causing damage to the eyes. Have you ever felt a dull screen or blurred characters while operating a computer or smartphone? At this time, light and focus adjustments are repeated by eyes, so it increases fatigue to your eyes. Staring at the screen reduces blinking and tends to cause eye dryness. In addition, blue light interferes with the secretion of sleep hormones and can interfere with healthy sleep.
So how do you deal with such a troublesome blue light? I recommend wearing glasses that block blue light. JiNS SCREEN, the No. 1 eyeglasses store in Japan, which has recently been actively developing stores in Manila, Blue Light 25% CUT and 40% CUT(for those who watch LCD Screen long time), 25% CUT KIDS(for children)that is the lineup project of JiNS SCREEN.
It ’s also essential to take care of your own eyes. Start wearing Blue Light Glasses by JiNS SCREEN for a healthy vision.

JINS SM Aura Premier, JINS SM Makati, JINS SM City North EDSA, JINS Robinsons Place Manila
Facebook :  JINS Philippines
Instagram : jins_philippines


Banaue Rice Terraces: World Heritage Site

It is a property that the Ifugao people have built over 2000 years and is a world heritage that the Philippines is proud of.

まにら新聞ではこうした現状をより多くの人たちに知ってもらうためにバナウエツアーを計画中。バナウエ市長やバナウエ市とパートナシップ契約を締結し、「BANAUE RICE TERRACES RESTORATION PROJECT」に尽力しているユニバーサルハーベスタ社のDr. ミラ・ハウ社長との懇親会も決定。ツアー詳細は近く発表の予定なので“気になる”人は要チェック!
The vast Philippine Cordillera terrace rice fields spread out in the mountainous region of the northern part of Luzon is a scenic scenic spot designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. In particular, Banaue, the base for terraced rice fields, also has a direct bus from Manila, and many tourists are visiting trip especially Westerners. At present, however, there is a concern that the number of fallow fields will increase due to collapse from natural disasters and the lack ofreplacement resulting in the loss of value. In fact, in 2001, it has been added to the World Crisis Heritage List. After that, it was removed from the list in 2012 with domestic and foreign cooperation, but there are still unsolved problems.
Manila Shimbun is planning a Banaue tour to let more people know about this situation. A social gathering with the president of Dr. Mira How of Universal Harvester Inc., who has signed a partnership agreement with the mayor of Banaue and the city of Banaue and is committed to “BANAUE RICE TERRACES RESTORATION PROJECT” is also planned. The tour details will be announced soon, so check it out if you are interested!


バナウエツアーのお問い合わせ: (02) 890-8480


Fantastic Omelet

Why don’t you be fascinated by the fluffy and melty omelet that artist, Marilyn Monroe was fascinated with?

Mont Saint-Michel is a world-famous tourist destination that is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A monastery was built on a small island floating on Saint Malo Bay on the west coast of France, and has welcomed many pilgrims as a holy place for Catholicism. La Mer Praar has been able to satisfy the hunger of pilgrims and heal fatigue. The specialty here is the fluffy omelet that has been preserved since its establishment. It features plenty of volume and a unique peculiar texture that melts in your mouth. Outside of France, this omelet is only available at branches in Japan and the Philippines (BGC).
If you haven’t tasted yet, please go to the BGC branch. You will immediately understand that the omelet you were interested in was a satisfactory omelet.

Open Daily: From 10:00am~10:00pm

Tel: (02) 838-1238 / (0917) 580-0137
Email: info.lamerepoulardph@gmail.com
Unit 172-173 UG/F SM Aura Premier McKinley Parkway, BGC, Taguig City



At 52, The PARADOX Band Still Rocks!

結成52周年の長寿バンド「The PARADOX」のスペシャルユニットが、バタンガスの“みのり亭”でディナーライブ出演決定!12月13日(金)は、みのり亭に集合!
A special unit of the longevity band. “The PARADOX”, its 52nd Anniversary will appear live at a dinner in Batangas, Minori-tei! Friday, December 13th, everyone will gather at Minori-tei!

日本のロックシーンは戦後、進駐軍の影響を受け広まり、ロカビリーブーム、エレキブーム、GSブームを経て1970年前後からは日本語ロックやハードロック、ニューミュージック、テクノと多様化し現在に至っている。そしてその日本のロックシーンにアマチュアながら確かな足跡を残す“気になる”バンドがある。1967年結成の「The PARADOX」だ(ちなみに1967年といえば日本ではGSブームの主役となるザ・タイガースがデビューした年であり、英国のレッド・ツェッペリンのデビューは翌年になる)。バンド名のごとく時代に流されることなく独自の音楽スタイルで様々なジャンルの曲を演奏し続けている。メンバーはリーダー和多島廣(Gt.Vo)、金子章男(Gt.Vo)、田中秀一(Per.Vo)、原田康雄(Ba.Vo)、谷口博通(Dr.Per.Vo)、そしてサポートメンバーの山田貴代(Key)の6名。今年結成52周年を迎えメンバーも70歳代と高齢になっているが、現在もライブコンサートを中心に積極的に活動を続けている。そんな「The PARADOX」の来比が決定。バンドでのコンサートはプライベートパーティーでの演奏なので残念ながら一般公開されないが、12月13日(金)バタンガスの日本料理店「みのり亭」のディナーライブに和多島廣と金子章男のスペシャルユニットが出演。ロックだけではなく民謡なども交えた多彩なステージをぜひご鑑賞あれ。
After the war, the Japanese rock scene spread under General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and after the rockabilly boom, the electric guitar boom, and the GS(Group sounds) boom, it has diversified into Japanese rock, hard rock, new music, and techno music since around 1970. And there is a band that leaves a solid footprint in the Japanese rock scene. “The PARADOX” was formed in 1967.(By the way, 1967 is the year when The Tigers, the leading role of the GS boom, debuted in Japan, and the UK’s Red Zeppelin’s debut is the following year). Like the band name. They continues to play songs of various genres in his own music style without follow the trend. The members are Six members of leader Hiroshi Wadajima (Gt.Vo), Akio Kaneko (Gt.Vo), Shuichi Tanaka (Per.Vo), Yasuo Harada (Ba.Vo), Hiromichi Taniguchi (Dr.Per.Vo), and support member Takayo Yamada (Key). The members are also in their 70s with the 52nd anniversary this year, but they are still actively engaged in live concerts. And “The PARADOX” visit to the Philippines has been decided. Unfortunately, the concert by the band is a private party, so it will not be open to the general public. However, on December 13th (Friday), a special unit by Satoshi Wadajima and Akio Kaneko will do dinner live at the Japanese restaurant “Minori-tei” in Batangas. Please enjoy the various stages that include not only rock but also folk songs etc.

金子章男Akio Kaneko(Gt.Vo)

和多島廣Hiroshi Wadajima(Gt.Vo)

お申込み・お問い合わせ Inquiry / 「みのり亭Minori-tei」 (043) 405-5001 / 0917-521-6797