


Where Everything about Organic Comes Together
「オーガニック・ハブ」 Organic Hub

毎週日曜日にレガスピ駐車場で行われている“Mara’s Original Market”の主催者でもあるマーラ・パルド・タベラさん。
Ms. Mara Pardo Tabera is the organizer of “Mara’s Original Market” at Legaspi parking lot every Sunday.

ヒーリングルームではBEMERによる血流セラピーも受けられる(要問合せ)You can also receive blood flow therapy by BEMER in the healing room (inquiry required)

Organic Hub
Ground Floor, Cypress Gardens Bldg.,
112 VA Rufino St., Legaspi Village, Makati (entrance on Rodriguez St.)
Cell: 0915-570-9390
E-mail: earthelements9@gmail.com

The pioneer of organic products in the Philippines, Mara Pardo Tabera, opened the “Organic Hub” in Makati City.
The Organic Hub is the epicenter of information on organic products as well as home for members of the Organic Producers Trade Association (OPTA) and scholars to push organic products to the public.
At the Organic Hub you can enjoy original herbal teas and organic foods at the cafe space and purchase organic products. If you have any questions about organic products, feel free to ask the staff.
Mara says, ‘Living an organic lifestyle is not a tough work. Just get you started and keep it on. The Organic Hub welcomes both organic practitioners and beginners. Let’s start an organic lifestyle!

静かにくつろげるカフェスペース。オーガニックの専門家も頻繁に訪れる。A quiet and relaxing cafe space. Organic experts often visit and share information and knowledge with visitors.

100%カカオのチョコレートは開いた瞬間香りが立ち込める。 100% cocoa chocolate with strong aroma

70%カカオのダークチョコレートや43%カカオのミルクチョコレート。いずれもココナッツシュガーを使用。 Dark and milk chocolate made with coconut sugar


