



The Rise of the Philippine Idol Generation

Success on the First MNL48 Fan Meeting

2018年6月3日(日)、MNL48のファースト・ファンミーティングが開催された。ケソン市のEton Centris Elementsに集まったファンは600人強。待ちわびていたMNL48のパフォーマンスに熱い歓声が飛び交った。
オープニングソングは “会いたかった”をタガログ語バージョンで披露。


メンバー紹介、交流ゲームと進み、この日の2曲目 “ヘビーローテーション”でファンは再び大熱狂。そして最後の曲はAKB4がメジャーデビュー前に発表した最初のシングル“桜の花びらたち”。ステージバックのスクリーンに映し出された桜の花びらとレーザー光線、スモーク、ビーチボールの演出も相まって会場中がステージとの一体感に包まれた。
センターのシェキを始めとした神7(かみセブン)と呼ばれる上位7人はこのイベントの終了後すぐに日本に行きデビューシングルに向けたトレーニングを行い、6月16日に名古屋ドームで開催されるAKB48 53rdシングル 世界選抜総選挙にも参加する。
On Sunday, June 3rd 2018, MNL 48’s First Fan Meeting was held. There were around 600 fans who gathered at Eton Centris Elements in Quezon City. Warm cheers welcomed the much awaited performance of the idol group. The event started with the opening song “Aitakatta” (I wanted to meet you) in Tagalog version. The fans joined them in singing and dancing. Members introduced themselves and there were mini games between members and fans. The audience also enjoyed the second song “Heavy Rotation”. And the last song was the first single “A cherry blossom petals” that AKB 48 announced before their major debut. There were cherry blossom petals and laser beams reflected on the stage back screen as well as beach balls in the crowd. The fan event was ended with a blissful meet-and-greet with many fans taking groupie shots with the members with their phones. The top seven members called ‘Kami Seven’ who started at the MNL Center went to Japan soon after this event and is training for their debut single. They also participated in the AKB48 53rd Single Sekai Senbatsu Sousenkyo (Single World Voting) for the most popular members in the world held in Nagoya Dome last June 16. With their own dedicated theater nearing completion and a planned TV program, MNL48 has just started and there is a lot to be expected from them!

Why is it the right time for the Philippine Idol Generation

これは特にこの2年間ほどで顕著になってきた。2016年12月にMNL48 の始動がアナウンスされたことがきっかけだ。日本のアイドルを愛するコアなファンたちは、ついに誕生する自国の本格アイドルグループを首を長くして待つと同時にMNL48 の始動により活発化してきた既存のアイドルグループや新たに結成されたアイドルグループなどの活動を積極的に応援し始めたのだ。
今フィリピンでも続々とアイドルグループやソロアイドルが産声を上げている。果たして日本スタイルのアイドル文化がどこまでフィリピンで浸透し広がりを見せるのか? もちろん定かではないが日本の隣国でしかも親日国のフィリピンなら本格的なアイドルブームに突入する可能性も低くはない。そうなれば、アイドルという夢を追って自分の可能性に挑戦する女の子たちが増えてくるのは必至。アイドルグループもさらに数を増していくだろう。
In the Philippines, the recognition of the Japanese idol group is still low, but there have been several groups already inspired by Japanese idol from around 2010 and started activities. And as Japanese Idol groups and solo artists have been coming to the Philippines to perform, this has in turn increased the popularity of local idol groups.
Today girl groups can be seen performing in shopping malls, and you cannot see an cosplay and anime event with one of them performing. Each group has its own fan group, with various fan sites popping out in the web.
This has become more and more common especially in the past two years. And one of its driving force is the announcement for creation of MNL48 in December 2016.Hardcore fans of Japanese idols who have long waited for a group to be born from their own country, have also began to positively support the activities of existing Pinoy idol groups inspired by MNL 48 as well as other newly formed groups. And in April 28, 2018, The first season of MNL48 began. The first fan meeting held in June 3 was received by fans with great enthusiasm. We dont know what the next move for MNL48 will be, but what we are really excited for now is the explosion of the new Philippine Idol generation. Since 2010 There has been what is called an ‘Idol Wars’ in Japan and has been continuing since then. They say this was caused by an almost endless mass production of commercial idols.
Today, even in the Philippines new idol groups are continually being born. How far can Japanese idol culture really spread in the Philippines? Of course we will not know for sure, but there is good possibility that countries around Japan, including the Philippines will enter a real ‘Idol Generation’. If so, girls who want to challenge their possibilities and pursue the dream of being an idol will inevitably increase and ogether with them, the number of idol groups.
And on this ripe occasion, the launching of the event Manila Idol Matsuri. Spreading the idol culture that Japanese love, and to support those girls who want to take that challenge, the Philippine’s only daily Japanese newspaper, The Daily Manila Shimbun launches the “Manila Idol Matsuri”. An event that gathers all performing Filipino Idol groups and their fans into one live concert in September 2 (Sunday), 2018. Could this big event that gathers idols and their fans be the trigger to the explosion to the already growing Philippine Idol Generation? How will the young Pinoy idol fans react to this event? Let’s wait and see!

