


ブランシェ Branchee ♀  年齢不詳 unknown age 「警戒心が強く、プライドの高い女王様気質。ウサギのような丸みを帯びた体がかわいい。しっぽがないのが気になって調べると、マンクス・スタンピーという珍しいネコに似ていることがわかりました。飼いネコだったのかも」 “Branchee is a very cautious and stuck-up cat. As her body is rounded like a rabbit with a short tail, she seems to be a Manx Stumpy, a rare cat breed.”

パン Pan ♂  推定1カ月 Estimated one month old 「白黒のパンダカラーに青い目とピンクの鼻がチャームポイント。甘えん坊で、無邪気で怖いもの知らず。うちのイヌに果敢にネコパンチを繰り出します」 “Pan’s attractive features are black and white color fur like a panda bear, blue eyes and pink nose. He is such a baby cat, carefree and reckless, punching our pet dog.”

















Rescued Miserable Cats Are
Family Members Now



I rescued Branchee near my house on a rainy day last May. I could not ignore the cat when she came to me and meowed. She was emaciated but her tummy swelled. The X-ray at a vet showed that her stomach was full of sand. She seemed to have eaten sand as she was very hungry but no food. She lost teeth due to malnutrition. Just after she came to our home, she always hid herself. She is now starting to get along with us.


I found Pan with three other kittens in a cardboard box in a garbage disposal last August. He was the smallest and weakest of the four. My husband and I fed them milk and helped them excrete as they could not do by themselves. The other three cats were adopted except for Pan. Both Branchee and Pan are so pretty and independent. I am happy to see them fine and healthy now.



