


Want to introduce coupons to attract more customers but don’t know how to? Try “PASS RU”,

which enables you to create electronic coupons and measure its effectiveness with your smartphone.

This is the first smart coupon from Japan to launch in the Philippines, offering great advantages for both businesses and customers.






Smartphone Wallet Coupon to Attract More Happy Customers.



Introducing a New Coupon System from Japan to the Philippines.




Merits of PASS RU



1 .  簡単にクーポンが作れる!


 「毎日お店が忙しくて、クーポンを作る時間なんてない」「クーポンの作り方を知らない」という方も、PASSるなら安心。スマホで PASSるにアクセスして、あとはテンプレートに入力、画像をアップロードするだけ。最短5分で作成できます。慣れてくれば、5分もかかりません。4カ国語(日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語)に対応し、クーポン利用期間や利用回数、先着数、数量などの設定もできます。



Easy to Make Coupons!


If creating coupons seem time-consuming or challenging, PASS RU has got you covered. All you have to do is to access PASS RU on your smartphone, fill in the template, and upload the image. It takes as little as 5 minutes to create a coupon. You can customize it in four languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean), and adjust the validity period and usage limits to fit your needs.



2 .  クーポン発行回数は無制限!




Shops Can Issue Unlimited Coupons !


Coupons you create can be posted on social networking sites such as X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook, as well as on websites to spread the word. There is no limit to the number of times a coupon can be issued, and you can issue as many as you like.




3 .  お客様も簡単に使える!


 PASSるは、お客様にアプリのダウンロードや個人情報の入力をしていただく必要がありません。QRコードでクーポンを読み込んで、iPhoneならApple Wallet、アンドロイドならGoogle Payに保管されます。お店でクーポンを使うときに、QRコードを提示すればOK。



Easy for Customers to Use!


PASS RU does not require customers to download an app or enter personal information; the coupon is scanned with a QR code and stored in Apple Wallet for iPhone or Google Pay for Android. When using the coupon at the store, simply present the QR code.



4 .  クーポンの効果が見える! 





Track Coupons in an Instant!


Stores can check the number of coupons installed and used by customers. Numbers are displayed for each media, so you can see at a glance which media is the most effective.






 PASSるは、日本では飲食店 (居酒屋、カフェ、中華料理店、バーなど)、エステサロン、 ネイルサロン、 スポーツジム 、自転車販売店、生花店、ホテル、キッチンカーなど幅広い業種のお店で導入されています。そして、実際にPASSるを 導入したお店は、効果を実感されています。
 「店頭やレジにQRコード付きのポップを貼っておくと、その場でクーポンを使えるので入店してくれるお客様が増えた」 (東京・飲食店)
 また、お客様からも「チラシのクーポンだと忘れたりするが、PASSるは忘れたり、失くしたりすることもないので便利 」といった声をいただいています。



PASS RU Benefits Both Shops and Customers

In Japan, PASS RU has been introduced in a wide range of businesses, including restaurants (izakaya, cafes, Chinese restaurants, bars, etc.), beauty salons, nail salons, sports gyms, bicycle shops, flower shops, hotels, and kitchen cars. The stores that have actually introduced PASS RU have realized the benefits of the system. Here are testimonials :
“Many people didn’t bring coupons when we had it on flyers. However, now that most people carry smartphones, PASS RU coupons are very useful in attracting customers.” (Restaurant, Tokyo)
“When we put a POP display with a QR code in the store or at the cash register, we find more customers enter the store because they can use the coupon on the spot.” (F&B , Tokyo)
Customers have also commented, “I tend to forget coupons from flyers, but with PASS RU, I never forget or lose them, so it’s convenient.”
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and explore how PASS RU can benefit both your shops and your customers.



お問い合わせ  Inquiry

まにら新聞 広告部

Advertising Department, The Daily Manila Shimbun

Tel:(02) 5310–3429 
Mobile:0917–594–9764 (English)
Email: ads@manilashimbun.com (Mr. Yamanaka)
tina@manilashimbun.com(Ms. Tina)

※ まにら新聞はフィリピンの「PASSる」独占契約代理店です。