
左の作品はレンブラントさんがホセ・リサールをイメージして制作した自画像のゴム版画。Self portrait rubber plate print resembling Dr. Jose Rizal (left).
レンブラント・ボカラン さん
Mr. Rembrandt Vocalan
Born in 1976, Mr. Rembrandt Vocalan is the co-owner of Balaw Balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery. He is a rubber plate printing artist and a synthesizer player in his band as a musician. His father, Mr. Perdigon Vocalan, the founder of Balaw Balaw and a painter named him after the famous Dutch painter. His favorite artists are Andy Warhol, Katsushika Hokusai, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt and Nam June Paik. His brother, Andre, who is the co-owner of Balaw Balaw is also named after a famous painter.
ヒガンテス・フェスティバルではパレードだけでなく、出来栄えを競うコンテストも行われ、私も優勝したことがあります。また、ヒガンテスの徒競走といったユニークなイベントもあります。 コロナ禍で過去数年は縮小を余儀なくされていましたが、今年は通常のスケールで行われました。私は今年のパレードには参加しませんでしたが、アーティストとして制作依頼を受けてヒガンテスを作ることもあります。実は日本でもヒガンテスのワークショップを行ったことがあり、1993年には大阪の御堂筋パレード、2017年には東京の六本木アートナイトで、日本人アーティストとのコラボレーションで制作しました。


Higantes heads welcome you at the entrance.
Art Capital Beyond Generations
Balaw Balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery is where you can explore art and local food at the same time. Yes, it is a perfect place to know about Angono. Navi Manila interviews Mr. Rembrandt Vocalan, an Angono native artist, about his passion for art and what Angono means to him.
Why Angono Has Been the Art Capital
My father, who was the founder of Balaw Balaw and an artist himself, is the second generation of Angono local artists. He learned how to draw paintings from one of the most famous national artists in the Philippines, “Botong” Francisco, who was the first generation of Angono artists. Those first generation artists taught art to their children, who naturally became the second generation. The same goes to the third generation, like me.
Art has been inherited from one generation to another in Angono. That is why Angono has been the art capital of the Philippines for generations.
Higantes Originated From Protest?
According to my father’s story and history research, Higantes festival began as a protest against the landlord during the Spanish colonial era. The giant puppets, Higantes, were purposely made to just look like the landlord.
However, there are several legends about origin. One is that the festival began to celebrate the end of WW2. It is also said that the Higantes was designed based on the scarecrow. I have also heard that there are Higantes imitating the royal family’s faces in Spain.
Higantes Expands The Community Circle
In 1949, there were only three Higantes in Angono. But in 1990, my father suggested that they hold workshops to make Higantes. As a result, Balaw Balaw has made 15 Higantes in total so far.
It takes almost one month and costs from 10,000 pesos to 15,000 pesos to make one Higantes. Now aluminum is usually used to make Higantes while bamboo used to be the common material before. The average height is around 2-4.5 meters and the weight is around 5-7 kilograms.
Higantes festival is not only about parades but there is also a contest. I have won first place in the contest before. There are some unique events as well, such as the Higantes race. Although the festival was held on a much smaller scale during the pandemic, it went back to the normal scale this year. I didn’t participate in the parade this year but I make one when there is a request from others. I have experience holding workshops in Japan, too. We made Higantes for Osaka Midosuji Parade in 1993 and Roppongi Art Night in 2017 in collaboration with Japanese artists.
Relaxing and Artistic Angono
Angono has a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere while located near Metro Manila. It is also recommended to those who aspire to be artists as there are art schools and the town is very active about art education.
Balaw Balaw was originally established as an art gallery by my father. One day, my father was advised by his friend to open a restaurant beside the gallery because his hobby was cooking. This is how Balaw Balaw expanded its scale to a restaurant with an art gallery. Now as the second owner of the restaurant and art gallery, I hope to expand our business even more, such as franchising.