【週末はちょっとアンゴノまで。】進撃の“アートな”巨人 ヒガンテス・フェスティバル
Navi Manila Attacks On Angono Titans
in Higantes Festival 2022
What’s Higantes Festival?
The Higantes Festival is Angono’s thanksgiving in honor of the patron saint of fishermen, Saint Clement. Various activities take place during the month of November, featuring the Great Parade of Giant Puppets as the highlight of the festival.
There are several theories about the origin of Higantes festival. The most widely known theory is that it originated from the local farmers’ protest against Zacarias “Tangkad”, who was the landlord of Angono and well-known as the abusive owner towards Angono natives during the Spanish colonial era, by making a giant puppet looking like him. Now, the festival remains as the Angono’s important festival with artistic features.
Higantes = Early Bird?
On the day of the Higantes Festival, we departed Makati for Angono at 5am as the assembly time was 6am. It seemed like Angono Higantes are early birds unlike us.
When we reached Rainbow Village in Angono around 6am, Higantes and the marching bands started to assemble with energetic and cheerful mood.
Not Two Higantes are Alike
The Grand Parade started at 7am. It was impressive especially when the Higantes walked through right next to us. What was the most interesting is that every Higante has different features. You can also find some familiar looking character Higantes, too.
When visiting Higantes Festival, arriving at the assembly point before the parade starts and staying in Angono until lunch time is recommended. You can encounter Higantes around the town after the parade, seeing them walking to return home. If you have not yet experienced the Higantes Festival, make sure you mark the date, the third Sunday of November in your 2023 calendar.