Interview with Cat Welfare Experts
道端で遭遇する野良ネコやのびのびと生活する地域ネコなど、フィリピンで出会うネコたちはどのような事情を抱えているのでしょうか。またフィリピンでネコを飼う際の注意点は? 動物保護のボランティア団体PAWSのシャロンさんに、フィリピンの動物保護の現状、フィリピンでネコを飼うときの注意点などについて聞きました。
What are the situations of street cats and community cats in the Philippines like? What are the important things to take note when we keep a cat in the Philippines? Navi Manila asks Sharon from The Philippine Animal Welfare Society.

シャロン・ヤップさん Sharon Yap 2015年2月からボランティアとしてPAWSでの活動に参加し、2016年11月に正式メンバーとなる。家ではPAWSからの保護猫・犬を含むイヌ18匹とネコ9匹を飼っている。

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society:通称「PAWS」。1954年から非政府・非営利組織として動物保護や動物福祉のためのボランティア、キャンペーン、ロビー活動を行う。マニラ首都圏ケソン市にあるPAWSアニマル・リハビリテーション・センターでは、300匹以上のイヌとネコを保護している。Address: Aurora Blvd., Katipunan Valley, Loyola Heights, Quezon City


Make the World Without Animal Shelters
Support Cats Mentally and Physically
PAWS has its own program called “KabaliCAT Program/TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) Program”. This program is to properly manage cats in areas by spaying/neutering them and practicing managed feeding. With this program, we can manage the holding capacity which humans and cats can peacefully co-exist. It is also important to complete this program within three months as one female cat is capable to reproduce up to 12 kittens a year.
We provide the spay/neuter service at Animal Rehabilitation Center (PARC) in Katipunan, Quezon City. There are Cattery and Kittenery where rescued cats stay safely once they get spayed/neutered. This place plays a role as a rehabilitation site for them to be adopted in the future by communicating with humans who visit there.
Besides rescuing and carrying out the program, we also lobby the government on the amendment and the establishment of animal welfare related laws. 90% of the animals at the shelter were rescued from cruelty and neglect where in PAWS filed criminal charges against animal offenders. Filing of cases against the offenders is necessary to break the cycle of abuse. Rescuing an animal from its abuser is easy but if no charges are filed, the offender can easily get another animal and subject it to the same cruelty, but when we file cases, they learn their lesson and this lowers the probability of them committing the act of cruelty against animals.
Holding Capacity Does Matter
PAWS is able to provide help if there are any cats in need. However, it is better to find a foster as PAWS has capacity limitation.
It is good to rescue or foster cats on your own but please always consider having cats spayed/neutered. It is going to be over your limit if cats keep increasing. Holding capacity is the most important thing. PAWS’ final goal is to make the world without animal shelters, no street cats which need to be rescued.
Who will take care of your cat while you’re away?
I recommend that you personally ask someone who you can trust to take care of your own cats while you are on vacation. Though there are some businesses for pets, such as pet hotels, it is essential that you check if the business is the Bureau of Animal Industry certified.
Halloween info
10月29日(日)に首都圏パシッグ市Ayala Mall Felizで「Scaredy Cats and Dogs Halloween costume contest」が開催! 当日登録・参加可能。こわかわいいコスチュームを着た自慢のペットと参加しよう!