【ネコ特集】フィリピンネコ事情 インタビュー① CARA Welfare Philippines



Interview with Cat Welfare Experts


道端で遭遇する野良ネコやのびのびと生活する地域ネコなど、フィリピンで出会うネコたちはどのような事情を抱えているのでしょうか。またフィリピンでネコを飼う際の注意点は? 動物保護のボランティア団体CARAのグラディスさんに、フィリピンの動物保護の現状、フィリピンでネコを飼うときの注意点などについて聞きました。




What are the situations of street cats and community cats in the Philippines like? What are the important things to take note when we keep a cat in the Philippines? Navi Manila asks Gladys from CARA Welfare Philippines .



グラディス・ドンギネスさん Gladys Donguines 犬の保護を求めてCARAに連絡したことをきっかけに、2018年からCARAでのボランティアを始める。自分で飼っているペットは犬2匹。

CARA Welfare Philippines:通称「CARA」。正式名称は「Compassion And Responsibility for Animals Welfare Philippines」。非営利・非政府組織で、政府からの援助は受けておらず、主に寄付と獣医の収入で成り立つボランティア団体。設立者の1人で現在もCARAの代表であるナンシーさん(写真中央)が友人たちと始めたボランティア活動を基に、2000年から活動を開始。当初はネコに焦点を当てていたことから、今でもCARAではイヌよりもネコを多く保護している。Address: 175 Lopez Rizal cor. Samat St., Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City












































Building a Community for Cats



The main mission of CARA Welfare Philippines is to control the stray cat population through low cost spay/neuter. Based on “CNVR (Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) Program”, we aim to create a cat community in which humans and cats can co-exist. Though the Philippines has Republic Act 8485 for animal welfare, the law has not been amended or strengthened since 1997.


Therefore, CARA focuses more on our own education programs for barangays and municipalities. We try to raise public awareness of animal welfare and the rights of animals by appearing in events and media.




Rescue with Responsibility




CARA is a low cost spay/neuter facility, not a shelter. We can only help with rescues when someone is willing to adopt, foster or sponsor.


You have to be responsible for your rescues. You need to consider if you can take care of them until their health improves. If you are unable to keep them, you should find an adopter/foster parent by posting in social media or by word of mouth. Especially social media, such as Facebook, is very useful nowadays to find someone who can take care of them instead of you.




What You Should Do to Protect Your Cats



When you adopt a cat, it is essential to make sure that your cat stays indoors in your home. There are many stray cats in the Philippines, and your cat can get infected with a virus or become pregnant outside. It is strongly recommended to have your cat vaccinated against rabies and viruses and neutered/sterilized. Having a microchip placed is also a help for identification.


CARA highly recommends owners to neuter their pet cats and for animal welfare advocates to neuter cat communities. Our goal is to create a humane attitude and program towards cats in our country.
