ケン・エイブリル・エレアザール・サラニョ (35) Ken Abryl Eleazar Salanio(左) イロイロ市出身のソフトウェア・エンジニア。アーニス歴9年。 父親の影響で幼いころから格闘技に興味を持つ。2014年に元同僚に誘われたことをきっかけにアーニスを始め、現在8段(黒帯)。 From Iloilo city. Having 9 years of Arnis experience, he trains and coach Arnis players under the Lightning Scientific Arnis International (LSAI) system.
Versatile Martial Arts
I started practicing Arnis at the age of 26. The reason why I chose Arnis was very simple; because it looked cool. I have always had aspirations to learn any kinds of Martial Arts since I was young. After I moved to Manila, I was introduced to Arnis by my previous co-worker, and finally had a chance to start it.
An Interchangeable Martial Arts
The most distinctive feature of Arnis should be the weapons in hands. Arnis teaches the skills interchangeable from empty hands to weapons, or the other way round while most other Martial Arts teach only with empty hands. In a daily practice and a tournament, the two sticks called Baston are used. It is legal to carry in public, safe, and affordable so those are commonly used in a training and tournaments. Besides Baston, there are also skills for hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, takedowns, grappling, and weapon disarming techniques. Each system or organization teaches these differently, depending on their primary focus of teaching.
Education of Tradition
Success of National Sport
There are many international and national tournaments and training seminars. However, the number of Arnis practitioners in the Philippines are fewer compared to MMA, taekwondo, or karate, or other sports like basketball and volleyball. That’s why many practitioners don’t take Arnis as a profession as it is difficult to find sponsors or work as trainers. Most trainers and coaches treat the practice or teaching of Arnis as a “passion project” of sorts.
Arnis has been part of the Department of Education’s teaching curriculum for Physical Education, as well as part of the Palarong Pambansa, the Philippines’ national multi-sport event. Despite this, the growth and spread of Arnis in the Philippines has been limited. We can look at how other countries have promoted their own Martial Arts as a national cultural heritage, like Brazil’s Capoeira and Thailand’s Muay Thai and see if we can do the same for Arnis. Overall, I hope that everyone continues practicing and having fun with Arnis and we keep our traditional Martial Arts culture alive.
Lightning Scientific Arnis International(LSAI)公式Facebook。アーニスに興味のある人はこちらから。

日本とフィリピンで研究者として活動する瀬名波栄志さん。フィリピン滞在中は週末にフィリピン大学ディリマン校内でケンさんから約2時間アーニスの特訓を受けている。 Mr. Senaha, a Japanese academic researcher, learns Anis from Mr. Salanio on the University of the Philipines, Dilliman campus on weekends for about two hours while he stays in the Philippines.
I came to the Philippines as an exchange student in 2017 and started Arnis because I wanted to try something special in the Philippines. When I got back to Japan, I practiced the pattern of movements (kata) through the online lesson.
The fascinating points of Arnis is that we can learn how to use various types of weapons. It is also interesting to pursue the beauty of the movements. Unlike other Martial Arts, Anis does not require muscular strength so that everyone, regardles of gender and age, can enjoy it.