ジェトロ・パブスタン (33) Jetro Pabustan ミンダナオ地方サランガニ州出身。 ニックネームは、サイレント・オペレーター。アマチュア時代にライトフライ級から始め、現在はスーパーバンタム級。2017年7月WBOアジア太平洋バンタム級王座決定戦で日本人選手を破り、王座獲得。 戦績は32勝(10KO)10負6分(2023年5月取材時点)。「井上尚弥選手は同じ階級のライバルとも言えますが、パッキャオ選手と並んで1番好きな選手。シンプルなのに、全てが完璧なモンスターです」 From Sarangani, Mindanao, Jetro “Silent Operator” Pabustan started his boxing career in the mini fly weight as an amateur. Now he is a pro boxer in the super bantam weight. He won the WBO Asia Pacific Bantam Weight Championship in July, 2017, beating a Japanese boxer in Japan. He has a record of 32 wins (10KO), 10 loses, 6 draws (as of May 2023).“My favorite boxer is Naoya Inoue as well as Manny Pacquiao. Inoue’s fight style is very simple but perfect in everything.”


A Champ Raises Champions
I was bullied when I was in school. One day, I decided to start boxing so I could defend myself and take revenge. I was influenced by media, such as the Japanese anime The First Step (Hajime no Ippo) and the boxing bouts on TV. But once I learned boxing, I actually loved it and became obsessed with it. I participated in amateur competitions in my hometown Barangay at the age of 15 or 16. After I turned 18, I became a professional boxer and moved to the gym in Batangas.
Representing PH with Pride
I have fought overseas, in Japan, Thailand, Mexico, and America. I always feel proud of representing my home country while listening to the Philippine national anthem in the ring before the fight. The most memorable bout for me so far is the WBO Asia Pacific Bantamweight championship against a Japanese boxer in Japan. I won the champion belt. I also feel fulfilled as a boxer after I successfully make weight for a fight. There are no difficult moments in my boxing career. Boxing is my passion. I enjoy and love everything about it.
Wearing Two Hats
Now I am a pro boxer but at the same time a coach of some young boxers at the Elorde Gym in Paranaque. Every morning I run for 30-40 minutes together with my boxers and repeat 100 meter sprints. I train them until noon and my training session starts around 3pm. That’s my routine from Monday to Saturday. I want them to watch me train and fight, and apply it to themselves. My current goal is to raise champions.
