Photo: Pacifico Azul Resort
It’s Summer,
Be an Aquaholic
太陽が燦燦(さんさん)と輝き、肌に日差しが照りつける。4月はフィリピンの夏到来! そんな夏の訪れを感じたならば、行くべきところはやっぱり海。ビーチパラダイス・フィリピン、マリンスポーツの世界へようこそ!
The sun shines bright and beats down on the skin. Summer is here. It’s a perfect time to go to the beach. Let’s dive into the world of water sports and be an aquaholic this summer !
Why does the Philippines keep attracting divers from all over the world? Navi Manila interviews Mr. Akira Masuda, the manager of Pacifico Azul and a seasoned instructor, about diving in the Philippines.

益田 明 さん
Masuda Akira
World Class Biodiversity
The Philippines is obviously one of the best countries to enjoy water sports. It is surrounded by the seas, and they are conveniently accessible from the cities. When it comes to diving, the Philippines is renowned for good diving spots as the country belongs to the Coral Triangle where more than 30% of corals in the world and over 3,000 fish species cohabit. The biodiversity of the Philippine waters is Asia’s top level. Some fishes are found only in Anilao. It is interesting to see there are seasons underwater and certain creatures act depending on the seasons such as spawning and mating.
Anilao Never Tires Divers
Before moving to the Philippines, I already had a diving instructor license with over 1000 diving experiences. Watching a documentary program featuring whale sharks on TV motivated me to be a scuba diver. I like whale sharks and they are special to me. When I came to the Philippines, I was really surprised to know divers could meet whale sharks easily.
In Anilao, you can see sea creatures closely since they are used to divers. There are still a lot of species that are not yet classified. I have never been bored of diving in Anilao. It is always exciting to explore the underwater world of the Philippines.
Be a Diver in Anilao
One of the merits of getting a diver license in the Philippines is that you don’t need to suffer from the coldness of seawater. It enables you to take continuous training. The affordable course fee is another merit. Not only Japanese living in the Philippines, but also those who fly from Japan come to Anilao just to take the course. Anilao is suitable for a family trip and convenient to visit from Manila as well.
If you are an absolute beginner and anxious about taking a course without diving experience, trying an introductory diving is highly recommended. Don’t hesitate to start diving. Just take a step forward and dive into the water.