Super Hot Chili : Subculture cum Extreme Sport
Started as the chiliheads group in late 2013 and after many other groups were organized, there was a need to put groups together under one umbrella. The Philippine Chili Federation consisting of seven chili groups was established to promote chilies as a culinary ingredient. Navi Manila interviews the man who is probably the hottest hot chilihead of the Philippines, Mr. Ponchit Ponce-Enrile, president of the Philippine Chili Federation.

ポンチット・ポンセ・エンリレ Ponchit Ponce-Enrile President, Philippine Chili Federation ルソン地方タルラック州、ミンダナオ地方ダバオでチリ、野菜、フルーツの農場を管理・運営するとともに、ダバオ市でアジア料理レストラン「アセヤ・ビストロ・オリエンターレ」を経営。フィリピン・チリ連盟創立者および代表として、毎日の食卓にチリは欠かさない。 Ponchit is a gardener growing chilies, vegetables and fruits in farms in Tarlac province, Luzon and Davao, Mindanao. He also runs an Asian food restaurant ASEYA BISTRO ORIENTALE in Davao. As the founding president of the Philippine Chili Federation, he eats chili every day.
意外!? フィリピン人は
「サウサワン(Sawsawan)」を知っていますか? このタガログ語を聞いたことはないかもしれませんが、きっと実物を見たことがあるはず。サウサワンとは、英語でディップソースのこと。小さな皿に醤油や酢、パティス(魚醤)をベースに刻んだタマネギなどが入っているのを見たことがあるでしょう。このサウサワンはフィリピンの食文化の特徴の一つで、刻んだフィリピン産チリ、シリン・ラブヨもよく使われます。

(左)ギネスブックで世界一辛いチリと認定されたこともある品種カロライナ・リーパー。ブート・ジョロキア(ゴーストペッパー)とレッドハバネロを交配してつくられた。リーパー(Reaper)という名前は、尾の形が死神が持つ大鎌を思わせることに由来する。 (右上)カリブ海の島国トリニダード・トバゴ原産の7ポット・キャラメル(7Pot Caramel)。7ポットとはチリ1つで7つの鍋のシチューを辛くすることができるという意味。キャラメルのような甘さがあるというが……。スコビル値は80万〜100万SHU。(右下)英国原産のバブルガムペッパー(Bubblegum Pepper)。スコビル値は85万〜100万SHU。Photo: Courtesy of Mr. Ponchit Ponce-Enrile
Filipino People Like
Hot and Spicy Food ?
Do you know “Sawsawan” ? You may not have heard this Tagalog word, but you have seen what it is. Sawsawan means dipping sauce in English. You have seen a dipping sauce mixed with soy sauce, vinegar or patis fish sauce and chopped onions etc. Sawsawan is a feature of Filipino cuisine. Siling Labuyo is often used for making Sawsawan. Most people do not think Filipino food has chili hot characteristics, but chili has been a popular ingredient in the Philippines. As fast food restaurants like Jollibee and KFC now serve spicy fried chicken, which did not exist years ago, Filipino people’s taste for food has been changed. YouTube contents have inspired young Filipinos to crave for hot and spicy foods.
How to Grow Chilies,
How to Beat the Heat
There are super hot chillies such as Carolina Reaper with Guiness World Record 1.6million to 2.2million SHU and Primotalii growing in Baguio and Isabela province in the Philippines. Many chiliheads think primotalii is much hotter than Carolina Reaper but it has not been proven because it has not been tested in the laboratory.
The original seeds are imported from the USA etc. The cool climate makes chilies grow big with thick skins. Giving stress makes chilies hotter as they exercise their defensive instinct. No watering is an example of giving stress to chilies. But if you do not water chilies at all, they wither. It is easy to grow chilies but difficult to make them nice and hot.
When you eat Siling Labuyo, you feel the heat on your tongue for about ten minutes. When you eat Carolina Reaper, your entire mouth is full of burning sensation for a long while. Carolina Reaper is not only super hot but also tasty. Milk and dairy products like yogurt help cool down the heat in your mouth.
Chilies are believed to be good for your health and I heard that some friends of mine have recovered from diseases by eating chilies. Eating Chilies also causes endorphins a.k.a. “happy hormone” and gives you feelings like runners’ high also called second wind. In the Philippines, chilies are also fed to cock fighting roosters.They believe it makes the roosters brave and strong. Birds do not have a sense to taste hot so that wild birds eat chilies and drop seeds everywhere.
Chili Culture Excites
People Across Globe
Chili eating competitions are held in the US and around the world. Chili is a subculture genre and an extreme sport. The hotter chili is produced, the more people are attracted. At the Philippine Chili Festival, there is the event called Labuyo 100 Rites, in which participants eat 100 Siling Labuyos with rice and side dishes in 10 minutes and no liquid for another 10 minutes.
I would like to have more turnout for the Philippine Chili Festival than we currently have about 2500. I hope to invite international chili community celebrities to the festival as we previously had Mr. Johnny Scoville twice, the world famous chilihead from the US.
The Philippine Chili Federation would like to ask the authorities to help small hot sauce makers to get permits and license so they can sell their products in groceries and supermarkets. There are about 1000 local chili sauce brands in the Philippines. Most of them are small businesses, selling the products privately. Their products are not allowed to be sold in supermarkets. We plan to build a government certified kitchen where local makers can produce their chili products. There is a great market for the hot sauce abroad. The Filipino Hot Sauce makers are very creative and produce great hot sauces. They even win in hot sauce competitions abroad. We wish Philippine chili culture could grow to greater heights in the future.