
オランダ人として初の世界周航を成し遂げたオリバー・ファン・ノールト(1558―1627) Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

沈没するサンディエゴ号(左)。船員450人はノールトの乗るマウリティウス号にすがりつき助けを求めたが、棒で海に突き落とされた。 Wikimedia Commons Public Domain
An Island of “Fortune”
Fortune Island is said to be named after that fact that a large amount of fortune was discovered in the wreck, San Diego, which sank near the island around 400 years ago. French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio recovered ceramics, earthenware, Japanese swords, precious metals, jewelry, a compass, and silver coins and so forth in 1992.
San Diego was sunk on December 14, 1600. In Japan, it was about two months after the Battle of SEKIGAHARA, which ended the 100-year warring age and let the 250-year-lasting shogunate begin. The ship fought a naval battle with Dutch merchant ships led by Admiral Oliver van Noort off Fortune Island. Merchant ships, in those days, also served as pirates. Captain Noort was going to be the first Dutchman to circumnavigate the globe, and he had a lot of experience in “procurement” of necessary supplies by plundering Spanish ships and South American natives along the way.
San Diego, on the other hand, had been forcibly converted into a battleship, and as a result, it had a flaw in her design: when fully loaded, her cannon portholes sank below the draft line. The San Diego was sunk by an attack by Noort’s fleet. After seeing her crew become food for fish, San Diego was laid to rest for 400 years with the fortune.
The Spanish Navy, however, captured one of the two remaining ships of Noort’s fleet and successfully drove his fleet out of the Philippines.
Circumnavigation andthe World History
On August 26, 1601, Captain Noort returned to the Netherlands on Mauritius, the only ship left in his fleet. He completed his circumnavigation of the world. This was the impetus for the Dutch King to grant a charter to the Dutch East India Company, which was to take the lead in the colonial strategy of Netherlands. Also, as the world’s first stock company, the company paved the way for the advent of the capitalist era.
The Dutch East India Company also expanded to the Far East, Japan. The Dutch Trading Post in Hirado, Nagasaki, which opened in 1609, was a branch of the company. Dutch literature was the only window to Western knowledge for Japan during TOKUGAWA Era (1603-1867). Without the Dutch books, there would have been no translation project of the anatomic book, Ontleedkundige Tafelen by GEMPAKU SUGITA and others, and would have been no private school on Dutch study, TEKIJUKU by KOAN OGATA, from which many leaders of modernization of Japan such as YUKICHI FUKUZAWA, MASUJIRO OMURA and so forth graduated. Taking it into consideration lets us know the impact that Noort’s voyage around the world had on Japanese history is immeasurable.
It is one of the pleasures of travel to free your brain from the drudgery of daily life and look out from Fortune Island in the direction where the San Diego lies, and ponder the great swell of history: the decline of Spain, the hegemonic power of the Age of Discovery, the rise of the emerging power of the Netherlands, and the sowing of seeds of the modernization for Japan.