
フィリピンの人口の大半を占めるマレー系の人々は、紀元前2000年から13世紀に かけフィリピンに移り住んだという。彼らの乗った船はバランガイ(balangay)と呼 ばれ、バンカもバランガイの一種だった。バランガイに乗ったマレー人たちは上陸し て定住地を定め、自分たちの共同体を作った。それが現在、最小行政区を指す「バラ ンガイ」(barangay)の語源となっている。 |
On the Bangka to the Island
The boats, called bangkas, await passengers on the resort’s beach. Since the boats are boarded from the beach, passengers get wet up to the knees when boarding. So, you need to put on swimsuits before boarding, and also, wrap your luggage in a large plastic bag to make it waterproof.
A bangka is a traditional Filipino boat with double-outriggers, which support the hull as if they were arms.
The oldest bangka was excavated from a stratum of the early-4th century A.D., so it has a history of about 1700 years. Today, they are modernized, equipped with a motor, but the outriggers are still made of bamboo.
We were on the boat for 50 minutes. The sound of the motor drowned out any sound, so all of us naturally fell silent. The time spent just looking at the scenery from the boat gave me time to indulge my imagination. I wondered if this was how the Malays who came to the Philippines in ancient times moved to the 7641 islands, riding their bangkas with splashes on their faces.
The Malays, who now constitute the majority of the Philippines’ population, settled in the Philippines between 2000 B.C. and the 13th century A.D. The boats they boarded were called balangays, and a bangka was a type of balangay.
Malays on board a balangay landed, settled down, and established their own community. This is the origin of the word “barangay,” which now refers to the smallest administrative district.
While I was lost in a daydream, the color of the sea changed to emerald green. Looking up, I saw an island bordered by white sandy beach and green ridges.
Magnificent View Awaits Visitors
The anchor rope was driven into the beach and an unreliable plank ladder was set. Two seamen escorted us down the ladder. When getting off, I was immersed in seawater up to the chest. Receding waves would take My flip-flops away.
I managed to get ashore. As we had no way to carry our cameras and other luggage by ourselves, the seamen lifted them above their heads to keep them dry and unloaded them onto land for us.
It was 12:10 pm. The sky, which had been overcast during the boat ride, cleared up just as we reached the island. We marveled, “This is truly an island of fortune…”
The ivory-white sandy beach, illuminated by the clear sky, spread out before our eyes. It is made of pieces dead coral. In the upper part of the sands, beach plants had grown in clusters, rooted in the white sand. As I looked up, green shrubs and tall trees appeared, creating a vertical distribution of plants like a box garden.