お宅拝見 川崎 真亜沙さん



【住めば都 住めばマニラ】


マニラで暮らす日本人のハウジング & ライフスタイル


Housing & Lifestyle Interviews



川崎 真亜沙さん マカティ市のコンドミニアムに7月から入居。ボーイフレンドと2人暮らし。築年数は10年、部屋はメゾネットタイプ(48平米)。ナビマニラのソーシャルメディアマーケティング責任者。在比21年。Maasa Kawasaki 21 years in the Philippines, Maasa , a Social Media Marketer at Navi Manila. Living in a condominium with a boyfriend since July in Makati City. Room size is 48sqm with a loft.






 タギッグ市BGCのコンドミニアムからマカティ市に7月に引っ越したばかりです! 入居にあたってPCR検査の陰性証明書が必要だったので、自宅で検査ができるモバイルアプリ「Zennya Health」を利用しました。













 引っ越して荷物の片付けが終わり、シャワーを浴びている時のこと。あれ? おかしい? 水が排水溝に流れていかない。シャワールームに溜まった水が、1階のトイレの天井からポタポタと落ちてきました。さらに、外の廊下の天井からは水が滝のように流れ出していたんです…。








Excited Living in Loft Type Condo Unit
Surprising troubles on the first day



My boyfriend and I just moved to Makati in July from a condo in BGC, Taguig City. We were required to submit a negative result of the RT-PCR test of Covid-19 to move in. We took a COVID-19 Test Home Service by Zennya Health.


We viewed 3to4 properties. The points of why we chose this condo were, within walking distance to my workplace, the reasonable rent for the room size, loft type, and there are lot of greenery around the condo.
There are a living room and kitchen on the 1st floor, bedroom and shower on the 2nd Floor. The size of 2nd floor is about 2/3 size of 1st floor, and there are toilets and air-cons on each floor.


I have moved at least 10 times since my childhood. I have experienced many different housing styles, from a house in the Village to a crummy apartment. I was so excited living in the loft type unit for the first time, but I was exhausted from the trouble on the first day .



Water falls down from ceiling


I was taking a shower, but the water didn’t go down the drain and the water was dripping down from the ceiling of the toilet in the 1st floor. What was surprised that water was flowing like a waterfall from the ceiling of the hallway outside of our unit too….


What we understand those “Welcoming surprised party” that there were a lot of toilette paper clogged in the upstairs toilet drainpipe, and the pipe had burst. We were sure we checked everything carefully before we signed the contract. How we can know that the drainpipe was clogged.


After moved in this condo, I have met a sweet surprise that a white fluffy sweet cat which is standing near the window of the unit across our unit from time to time. It makes me smile.


Photos courtesy of Maasa Kawasaki
