【趣味人に会う Meet the Enthusiasts】盆栽 Bonsai
日本で人気の松や杜松(としょう)はフィリピンでは育ちません。私が持っている盆栽はムラヤ(Murrayaミカン科の木)やフィカス(Ficus クワ科イチジク属)などフィリピンの木です。野生の木を岩場がある海岸近くへ「盆栽ハンティング」に出かけて採取し、鉢に植えて屋外に置きます。そして針金を使って枝が育つ向きを矯正し、全体的に美しく、趣ある姿になるように育てます。盆栽は中国から日本に伝わったので、風水の影響から天、地、人を考えた形や、三角形の姿が好まれます。今はコロナ禍で開催できませんが、例年、フィリピンでは多くの盆栽品評会が行われ、私は米国、フランス、台湾での品評会にも出品したことがあります。
Bonsai Develops its Beauty
in the Eternal Flow of Time
40 years ago, when I was a law school student, I often visited a bonsai garden in Greenhills, San Juan City. Since then, I have been fascinated by the beauty of the trees which is small in size and can be controlled by myself. Bonsai trees grow slowly. It’s common to see bonsai trees which are 50 – 100 years old. Some bonsai trees are priced 1 million pesos.
Pine trees and junipers are popular bonsai trees in Japan, but they do not grow in the Philippines. My bonsai trees are native Philippine trees such as murraya and ficus. I go ‘bonsai hunting’ to gather nice specimen in the wild, especially near the beaches with rocky area.
Putting the tree in a pot outdoors, I tie up the wire around branches to shape and bend. Bonsai was introduced to Japan from China and influenced by Feng Shui, the shape of bonsai representing heaven, earth and water and triangular appearance are praised. There were a lot of competitions in the Philippines before the pandemic. I have participated in the competitions in the US, France and Taiwan.
Bonsai is very popular in the Philippines. The Philippine Bonsai Society established in 1970s has over 200 members, mostly males aged 20s – 60s. Bonsai is a hobby for all age groups. If you are interested in bonsai, starting with ficus and vitex trees is recommended. Be sure to get a good quality scissors for pruning.