シドニー・アロンソさん Mr. Sidney Alonzo ITプロフェッショナル、写真家。タギッグ市在住。「最初に乗ったバイクはベスパPX150。その後、スクーター、ストリートバイク、ダートバイク、アドベンチャーバイク、いろいろ乗り継いで、今はBMW R1250 GS です」 Mr.Sidney Alonzo is an IT professional, photographer and motorcycle enthusiast, residing in Taguig City. He had discovered this passion in two wheels quite recently. Although, he had sporadic riding experience while he was still a teenager.
都会を脱出 自然を求め BMWでツーリング
最近乗っていた大型バイクを挙げると、トライアンフ・スピードツイン、KTM 790アドベンチャー、カワサキ・ヴェルシス650など。大型バイクの魅力は加速性能と快適な乗り心地です。
今乗っているBMW R1250 GS は、究極のモデルと呼ばれる通り、とても快適な乗り心地と信頼性はもちろん、スタイリングがすばらしい。とても気に入っているので、このバイクを超える性能のモデルが出てこない限り、次に乗るバイクは今のところ考えられませんね。
Motorcycle Touring on BMW to See the Nature
My first motorcycle was a Vespa PX150, which is a classic scooter. I had initially honed riding skills through experiences with my scooter. I had also undergone formal motorcycle training at Honda Safety Driving Center for street riding and Mel Aquino’s Offroad Training Camp for dirt/offroad riding. Now I ride a BMW R1250GS. The love for nature from my other passion as a landscape photographer had further stimulated this love for discovering hard to find locations by car but certainly attainable riding motorcycles. A quick motorbike sprint for breakfast with friends to serene locations outside Metro Manila is a break from my challenging technology life in IT.
I am now very content and happy with my adventure motorbike BMW R1250GS. Most claim that the R1250GS is the end of the line bike as it certainly can do most if not all you need for riding. A very comfortable and dominating motorbike on and off road. This will be a keeper motorcycle.
Photos courtesy of Mr. Sidney Alonzo