






Who Says Vegan Food is Just a Boring Salad?
Green Bar Breaks Such Prejudice



ジェデラニ・サントスさん (右)、サラダ・サントスさん(左) ビーガンレストラン「グリーンバー」経営。「マカティ市レガスピ・ビレッジで、地域猫の世話と里親探しのボランティアもしています」 Ms. Jaderani Santos (right), Ms. Sarada Santos (left) Restaurateur of Green Bar, a vegan restaurant, Legaspi Village, Makati City. ‘In my free time I volunteer to feed, rescue, adopt out and care for the community cats at Legaspi Village with other volunteers.’

Green Bar, 106 Aguirre street, Legaspi Village 1229 Makati








ピザ、タコス、ワイン・・・・・・ビーガンでなくても楽しめるグリーンバーの料理。 Margherita Flatbread, Taco, wine…not only vegans but also non-vegans enjoy Green Bar’s vegan menus.












My family are all vegetarians, and I am a born vegetarian. About seven years ago my sister Sarada and I decided to go
vegan. At that time a local Facebook group, Manila Vegans, had around 6,000 members. We wanted to create vegan versions of comfort food to help break the notion that vegan food was boring or just salads. We like to try a veganize traditional comfort food. We experiment a lot! Our menus come from our childhood and travel experiences. We can try to veganize any food and we certainly enjoy the challenge. Recreating vegan versions are more about texture in my opinion.



「常にわくわくするようなメニューをお届けするのがモットーです。毎朝8時から10時に朝食スペシャルを提供中。フラウタはビーガンエッグ、ビスケット、グレイビーがぎっしり。すべて当店の自家製です」 Breakfast Flautas  ‘We are constantly trying to improve and create new and exciting dishes. Currently we have a Breakfast Special every day from 8am-10am which features things like Breakfast Flautas filled with a vegan egg and Biscuits and Gravy. We make everything in house.’


Previously mentioned Manila Vegans has now over 50,000 members. In the last five years the vegan population has grown dramatically. The younger generation has become more focused on vegan activism and the ethical argument for veganism since they are more aware of the animal welfare and global environmental issues. I do think the popularity of vegan / plant- based food is growing, not just in the Philippines, but worldwide. You can see this in the many new restaurants offering vegan options and companies making plant-based products.


Vegans can drink alcohol; all our wines and beer are plant based and suitable for vegans. Veganism isn’t about health so much as it is about the ethics.


Fancy Pancakes

Photos courtesy of Ms. Jaderani Santos
