【通いたくなる日本食材店】だるまや Darumaya Japanese Food Center



Japanese Grocery Stores around Makati








Shrataki konjak noodles is popular as a diet food.(左下)納豆は70ペソ(3個)から。
Natto (3 packs) is 70 pesos onwards. 
(右)フィリピンのエビ天人気を支える!? 天ぷら粉。Tempura flour is essential for cooking ebi prawn tempura at home.







Long Standing Japanese Grocery
Celebrating Silver Jubilee Soon


Conveniently located in the Cartimar market near Makati, Darumaya, founded in 1997, serves restaurant businesses as well as household customers, carrying many kinds of large volume condiments, such as Japanese soy sauce and dashi soup stocks. The big three popular items are shirataki konjak noodles, tempura flour and natto fermented soy beans. At Darumaya, you can find reasonably priced items and exclusive products as a sole distributor of major Japanese food makers.





Darumaya Japanese Food Center
Plaza #5 Cartimar International Shopping Center, Cartimar Ave., Pasay City
