ジャパニーズ・サブカルチャー × フィリピン】日本のサブカルと私<ロリータ>①「ロリータは自己 表現の道くれた」






Lolita is a Japanese KAWAII fashion inspired by European aristocratic fashion and clothing and styles of a princess from fairly tales.




英語専攻卒。 最近夢中なこと:愛猫クイーン・キャランシー


Franz Uy
Occupation: English instructor
Born : 1984 Residence : Pasig City

Hobby : playing with her pet cat







 夢は「ゴスや王子系など数あるロリータファッションの全種制覇」。今は趣味だが、今年中に自身のブランド「Fancy Moi」のオンライン販売を開始予定。「フィリピンではロリータグッズの入手が困難。それなら自分で作ろうと思った」からだとか。趣味に対し真剣に打ち込み続ける彼女。いわゆるロリータの「ガチ勢」である。







“Lolita Gives Me the Avenue to Express Myself”


The first time I encountered Lolita Fashion was in college, seeing pictures on magazines and online, but I only started wearing it in 2017. What makes Lolita Fashion close to my heart is how much thought Lolitas put into their coordinates. I would say I look up to veteran Lolita Fashion enthusiasts like Mana-sama and Misako Aoki. But for my personal style, I can’t really pinpoint one big influence.


One of the happiest moments as Lolita was my first time I joined a Lolita fashion contest in 2017. I wore my handmade dress and it was very simple, so I felt embarrassed. But other Lolitas there were very supportive. That was so encouraging. I found my associates!


I’m still a hobbyist in the strictest sense of the word. but I am going to launch my brand, Fancy Moi, formally this year. We’d just start as an online store first and focus on selling in small batches and do pre-orders.






Photos courtesy of Franz Uy
