



フィリピン人が話す言語、特にマニラ首都圏でフィリピン人が話す言語はタガログ語と知っている人は多いだろう。一方、1987年に制定されたフィリピン共和国憲法には、「フィリピンの国語はフィリピン語」と記されている。フィリピン語とタガログ語は同じなのだろうか? タガログ語はルソン島中・南部を中心に話される言語であり、フィリピンの国語であるフィリピン語は、タガログ語をベースにつくられた言語だ。1937年にタガログ語に基づく国語の制定が決められたのだが、なぜタガログ語が選ばれたのか。その理由としては、次のようなことが挙げられる。
・ルソン島の10州および首都圏を含む、 最も  広範囲に渡る地域で話されている。
・タガログ語が話される地域において、異なる 方言がほとんどない。
・タガログ語で書かれ、発行された書物は、 ほ かの言語よりも多い。



What’s the difference between Filipino and Tagalog language?

The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article XIV, Section 6 says that the national language of the Philippines is Filipino. Is Filipino same as Tagalog? Foreigners might think Filipino is also called Tagalog. But there are differences between them. The Filipino alphabet consists of 28 letters while there are 20 letters in the Tagalog ABaKaDa alphabet.Yes, Filipino, the national language of the Philippines, is not the same as Tagalog but Filipino is created and developed based on Tagalog, which has been spoken in the central and south regions of Luzon Island, including Metro Manila. Filipino has more words than Tagalog as Filipino has been expanding by taking words from other languages not only existing Philippine languages but also foreign languages such as Spanish, English, Malay, Chinese dialects, Japanese etc. For example, Dorobo, which means a thief, is taken from Japanese.
If you are in Metro Manila, you have the privilege of learning Filipino, which is the common language spoken throughout the country although there are about 180 different dialects in the Philippines.

(Source : National Commission for Culture and the Arts : Development of Filipino, The National Language of the Philippines (https://ncca.gov.ph/about-ncca-3/subcommissions/subcommission-on-cultural-disseminationscd/language-and-translation/development-of-filipino-the-national-language-of-the-philippines/) 協力:澤田公伸


Major Regional Dialects
in the Philippines
