






田川 夢乃さん
Yumeno Tagawa

Affiliated researcher of Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.











-「疑似恋愛」は、金銭のやりとりを介したKTVならではのものでしょうか? フィリピンでは一般的にもいわゆる「見返り」を目的とした物質主義的な関係性は多いのでしょうか?


 そもそもKTVにおける「疑似恋愛」はサービス業において提供される「サービス」ですから、それを差し置いて「いわゆる『見返り』を目的とした物質主義的な関係性」とみなすのは少し違うように思います。例えば日本料理店の板前さんと常連さんの関係でも、プライベートで一緒にゴルフに行くほど親しくなったとしても、お店に行って食事をすればお金は払いますよね? でもそのことに疑問は抱かないと思いますし、逆にプライベートで親しくすることを「店に来てほしいから親しくしているんだ」と考えてしまうと、途端にシラけてしまいませんか?



 ですので、そういう点ではKTVで見受けられるような疑似恋愛は一般的なフィリピン社会における恋愛にはないものだと思いますし、KTVならではと言えるかもしれません。とはいえ、クリスマス時期のショッピングモールの混雑やバレンタイン時期になると大量に現れる花売り、OFW(海外就労フィリピン人) のバリックバヤンボックスのように、プレゼントを贈る(物質的な贈与を行う)ことが愛情を表すことというのは一般的なことなのかもしれません。


















-フィリピンでのフィリピン人女性と日本人男性との恋愛をテーマに研究されようと思われた理由は? また、研究成果をどのように社会的に役立てたいとお考えでしょうか?











Love or Not Love

Complicated Relationships between Filipino Women and Japanese Men



Love comes in various forms. In the Philippines, international couples are common. One of the most popular places where Filipino women and Japanese men meet and develop the intimate relationship is at KTV nightclubs. Navi Manila interviews Yumeno Tagawa, who used to work at a KTV in Metro Manila for field research.




– Is it common that a CCA and a customer develop a relationship as “pseudo-romance” at a KTV?


There are many different kinds of relationships between CCAs and customers, so it is legitimate to say it could be “common”, and also could be “rare”. As I write in my book, when there is a discrepancy in the desire for intimacy between a couple, it can lead to sexual violence and exploitation. Considering such cases, I think it is uncommon that a CCA and a customer establish “pseudo-romance” more than a service.




– Is “pseudo-romance” unique to KTV, where money is required? Or do Filipino women usually expect money or some gifts from her partner?


To begin with, “pseudo-romance” in KTV is a “service” provided by CCA, so I think “pseudo-romance” differs from “a materialistic relationship for the purpose of so-called ‘quid pro quo’”.


For example, in the relationship between a chef at a Japanese restaurant and a regular customer, even if the two become close enough to go golfing together in private, the customer still pays for the meal at the restaurant, right? I don’t think they would question that. In addition, it is a wet blanket for the customer that the chef gets friendly with him/her in order to lure more customers.


So, in that respect, I think “pseudo-romance” that can be seen at KTV is not found in love in the general Filipino society, and it may be said that it is unique to KTV.


Nevertheless, it may be common that giving gifts (material giving) is a way of showing affection in the Philippines.




– I heard that Filipinos are affectionate and passionate for love. What do you think about the Filipinos’ views on love?


In the Philippines, there are several words for “lover”. For example, “boyfriend” in English, “nobyo/nobya” in Tagalog, “jowa” derived from gay slang, and “shota” which has the nuance of a new relationship or a short-term lover. I believe that the rich vocabulary means the depth of interest in the subject matter in that culture. So, it could be interpreted that Filipinos are very curious about love, and when they fall in love, they are affectionate and devoted, but they are also people of many loves. However, when it comes to marriage, Catholic norms and values have a great impact, so I think this is a different story.




– What do you think is the biggest difference between Filipino and Japanese in love?


I think that many Filipinos are more proactive (or passionate) in their love lives than in Japan. There is a stereotype that Filipino women get jealous easily, and I actually agree with it that they often express their affection in a straightforward manner.




– What motivated you to research and study Filipino women’s relationships with Japanese men?


Originally, I began my research with a vague awareness that I wanted to know the specific working conditions of Filipino women doing a night-time job, but I realized that the world of KTV is based on a sexual interest between the different genders of “Filipino women” and “Japanese men,” and that I could not talk about KTV without mentioning this interest. That is why, I focused my research on “love”. In addition, I was uncomfortable with the dichotomous view of the sex industry as “exploitation by male customers/victimization of female workers” or “women who are proudly engaged in their work by their own choice/poor women who have no choice but to work due to poverty” that is often applied to research on the sex industry. I felt that the reality must be more complicated and there must be parts of it that cannot be told with such a formulaic view. So I wanted to depict the aspect of “love” that is above reason.


I hope that this research will provide an opportunity to reconsider what is “normal” in academia with the actuality of the field. At the same time, by daring to verbalize what has been taken for granted at KTV, I hope that I can help in some way, even if it is small contribution, to create an opportunity for everyone to become aware of and focus on problems that exist there and that have not been visible until now.

