【3Days in Puerto Princesa】 プエルト・プリンセサの基礎知識













 スペイン語で「王妃の港」という意味を持つプエルト・プリンセサ。この地名は元々、1864年にスペインの女王イザベル2世とカディス公フランシスコとの間に生まれた王女アスンシオンにちなんだ名前だった。しかし、王女が亡くなったため、女王がプエルト・デ・ラ・プリンセサ(Puerto de la Princesa)に改名。その後、プエルト・プリンセサと短縮して呼ばれるようになり、今に至っている。このほか、その昔、月夜になると王女のような未婚女性が海辺を1人さまよい歩き、あるいは海岸で恋人を待つかのようにたたずんでいたことに由来するという説も。




















Palawan ―― The last frontier of the Philippines. The capital of this island province is Puerto Princesa City, which offers tourists beautiful beaches, island hopping, adventures in the magnificent nature and laid back holiday. Puerto Princesa has it all!



Basic Information of Puerto Princesa



Named after Spanish Princess


Puerto Princesa literally means a port of princess in Spanish, it was originally named after Princess Asunción, born in 1864 to Queen Isabella II and her consort, Francisco de Cádiz. But the Queen changed the name to Puerto de la Princesa after the Princess passed away. Eventually, people called the place Puerto Princesa in a short form. There is also a legend about the name, which is a princess-like maiden who was seen walking around the sea on moonlight nights and sitting on the beach as if she waited for her lover.



A Big Melting Pot


Located in the center of Palawan Island, Puerto Princesa is believed to be the largest city in the Philippines with about 254 hectares of land. Most of the land is covered with forests, and about 307,000 residents live in 1.8 percent of the city area. Puerto Princesa is a city consisting of people with diverse ethnic backgrounds migrating from other regions of the Philippines and overseas. Apart from the local language Cuyunon, Tagalog, English and dialects of Visayas are spoken.



Discover Nature and History


Puerto Princesa is a highly urbanized city with rich pristine nature. Visitors enjoy stunning views of the Underground River, which is a UNESCO World heritage site in the Philippines, mangrove forests, and caves to name a few. Puerto Princesa is also a historic site where we learn the tragic events during WW2 and the relationship between Puerto Princsesa and Vietnam.




