【3Days in Puerto Princesa】 「誇りある故郷の魅力を伝えたい」 ~ツアーガイドインタビュー~






Val Pillerva
Born in Cavite, raised in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. A tour liaison of the City Government of Puerto Princesa. “Seeing the west coast beaches is like therapy to me.”





 フィリピンには魅力的な観光地が多いですが、パラワン島のユニークな点は、動植物の固有種が生息していること。これは、アジアと別の大陸の一部が結合してできたためと考えられています。また、フィリピン火山地震研究所によるとプエルト・プリンセサは1度も震源地になった記録がなく、自然災害も少ない。そのため、神に守られていると信じられていて”City of the Living God”という別名もあります。








Spread the Attractiveness of My Beloved Hometown


Val Pillerva
Born in Cavite, raised in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. A tour liaison of the City Government of Puerto Princesa. “Seeing the west coast beaches is like therapy to me.”



The summer season, especially April and May when the weather is stable, is the best season to visit Puerto Princesa since the majority of attractions are nature based. I recommend visitors stay for more than a week with a tour guide if they want to fully experience the city. I personally love trekking. It is very therapeutic to see the sunset on the beach as well.


What makes Puerto Princesa unique from the rest of the Philippines is the endemic species of flora and fauna that cannot be found in other parts of the country. Also, according to DOST-Phivolcs, there has never been a recorded earthquake. That is why Puerto Princesa is called “City of the Living God.”


What I love the most about Puerto Princesa apart from its natural wonders is the people. I have met different people in different places in the Philippines but the people of Puerto Princesa are the most accommodating I have known.


COVID-19 and typhoon Odette have caused huge damages to our tourism industry. The City Tourism Department exerted massive efforts to keep the industry afloat by encouraging local tourists to travel within the city’s boundaries. My tour guiding duties were also totally taken away for two years. Now, I am very happy to finally be back as a tour liaison.


