ナビマニラE-book 2024.09.02
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コレクション中毒蔓延中!? 日本発不思議なキャラクター 近年 切手、コイン、トレーディングカード、フィギュア……古今東西、人はモノを集めることに夢中になってきました。そして今、フィリピンで最もホッ… 続きを読む
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ナビマニラ9月リニューアル創刊号2024年(Vol.108)巻頭企画:ネオマニラ/連載コラム:フィリピノ・ワールド/イベントガイド/インタビュー 伊藤実善さん/マニラ像巡り/スタッフダイアリー/4コマ漫画 マニラな日々。
Feature Article 2024.10.22
近年 切手、コイン、トレーディングカード、フィギュア……古今東西、人はモノを集めることに夢中になってきました。そして今、フィリピンで最もホットでキュートなコレクションアイテムが、スミスキーです。つるつる頭に点と線で描かれた目と口。無表情でいて何かを訴えているよう。頭とはアンバランスなボティでいろいろなしぐさをしています。公式サイトによると、スミが好きだから、スミスキー。妖精なんだそうで、日本発のキャラクターです。
ジャスティンさんの最初のスミスキーでエクササイズシリーズのフッキンスキー “SMISKI Doing Crunches” from the Exercise Series is Justin’s first Smiski.
A New Collectible Craze is Here!
Smiski: Your Tiny, Relatable Companion
Since ancient times, people have expressed their individuality and pursued gratification through the act of collecting trinkets. Filipinos, known for their sentimental and maximalist culture, showcase this through household ornament displays, or “anik-aniks” (any-any) as they call it. Today, one of the most sought-after collectible items in the Philippines is the Smiski. These tiny, glow-in-the-dark figures, known for their quirky poses and expressionless faces, have captivated collectors of all ages.
一番のお気に入りの限定版トナカイスミスキー The Limited Edition Reindeer is his most expensive Secret Smiski.
Created by the Japanese toy company Dreams Inc., this sprite-like character is distinguished by its unbalanced head that resembles a ping-pong ball atop a stick-figure body. What adds to its allure is the surprise factor—you never know which Smiski you’re gonna get until you open the box. Justin Santos, a 30-year-old Mechanical Engineer from Laguna, collects Smiskis for this very reason.
“It’s like an addiction,” he says. “There’s a wide variety of Smiskis, but I’m a ‘completionist’ type of collector—I feel the need to collect every single one to achieve that sense of satisfaction.”
シークレットの考える人スミスキー The Thinker, like the other secret Smiskis, has a 1 in 144 chance of being found in a set of Smiskis.
Justin started collecting Smiskis last December, when his sister gifted him one from the Exercise series. Now, he has grown his collection to over 90 Smiskis.
“It’s just so relatable. Like a spirit animal. You look at it and say, ‘That’s me,’” Justin said, referring to the Lounging Smiski in a relaxed, laid-back pose.
Its whimsical poses also make great conversation starters. Playing with Smiskis has become a bonding activity for him and his girlfriend, who finds joy in searching for the hidden figures in the corners of his house.
いろんな動きをしていても、表情は変らない平常心なスミスキー。暗いところでは光ります。 The Smiskis are glow-in-the dark and have expressionless faces, regardless of their pose.
One notable aspect of the collecting culture in the Philippines is the sense of community it upholds. Collectors frequently come together in social media groups and online forums to share their passion, trade items, and celebrate their collections. When Justin first joined the Facebook group for Smiski collectors, it had over 3,000 members. As of writing, that number has tripled.
As Smiskis continue to capture the hearts of collectors in the Philippines, their popularity shows no signs of fading. Perhaps a Smiski is already peering at you from a corner of your home or office.
With the recent release of their Moving series, featuring Smiskis holding various props, the potential for new designs seems limitless.
Text : Kaxandra Salonga, Rene Arata, Keiichi Tokisawa Photo : Joy Jamora, Cy Igne
Background illustrations: Kaxandra Salonga
ジャスティン・サントス さん(30)
Justin Santos, a 30-year-old Mechanical Engineer residing in Laguna, started having interest in collecting at age seven and spent his first paycheck on The Avengers Funko Pop.