ナビマニラE-book 2024.12.19
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日本人なら誰でも知っている手ぬぐい。タオルでもハンカチでもなく、バンダナとも違い、どことなく日本ならではの奥ゆかしさを感じさせるものです。しかし、一般に日本人でも日常的に使っている人は意外に少ないのではないでし… 続きを読む
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フィリピノペディア 2025.01.10
What’s Tenugui?
A tenugui is a traditional Japanese towel with a thin and light cotton texture, about 15 x 35 inches in size. ‘Te’ means hand and ‘nugui’ means wipe literally in Japanese. Tenugui is used not only in drying hands but also in various ways such as headbands, decorations, etc. There is a wide variety of designs making tenugui a popular souvenir item from Japan.
Exquisite Fabrics: Jan Vincent Ong Shares the Art of Tenugui
Jan Vincent Ong has always been an enthusiast of Japanese culture. Collecting different art pieces like pottery and traditional paintings, he is especially drawn to those that fuse both Western and Asian elements. Leisurely walking the streets of Akihabara with his friends and family, he saw a piece of cloth with a unique Star Wars design that incorporated traditional Japanese elements. Little did he know, this was the beginning of his journey with Tenugui.
This multipurpose cloth is not commonly known in the Philippines which is why his interest in these fabrics grew. Often visiting Japan to learn more, he saw that there are also designs catering to the current generation despite it being an old art form. Pokemon, Studio Ghibli, and cats are just a few examples of the more mundane and modern designs that he has seen.
With over 50 in his collection, he finds it difficult to truly decide on his favorite, but the ones closest to his heart are the ones that tell a story. His tenugui from Sakai Tohji in particular shows the process of how their knives are created. It celebrates hard work and serves as a token of their craftsmanship. Another notable one he mentioned is a set portraying the 4 seasons of Japan where his favorite among them is the one for summer. It shows different elements of what makes summer like slippers, the sun, and vibrant colors. Others that he mentioned have designs that are based on Japanese numbers and even a pattern inspired by the different ways to write “Good Fortune” in Chinese characters.
Jan’s fascination with this craft has driven him to become an artist himself. He recently finished his very first design which he created based on Sagada and their coffee. To truly capture the essence of this municipality, he personally visited the area to talk to the people and to experience their traditions and cultures firsthand. There, he learned that “Ganduyan” was their original name whereas “Sagada” was formed through a misunderstanding with the Spaniards. He also learned about the importance of Lizards and how it is a symbol of good luck to the Igorot people. The stories and experiences he acquired through his visit are what he strives to reflect in his tenugui.
His design is currently under production in Japan to be dyed using the chu-sen method. It is a traditional dyeing method where the design is identical on both sides of the cloth and where several can be dyed at a time. Among other methods, this is Jan’s most preferred one because of the vibrancy of the colors and the unique gradation.
From the moment he decided to dedicate his time to this art form, he has been organizing talks where he can speak about it and spread the knowledge to Filipinos. He also participates in pop-ups and bazaars where he sells tenugui among other collectibles that he curates whenever he visits Japan and shares his enthusiasm with anyone who shows interest.
In the coming Coffee Festival next March 2025, Jan is planning to sell his first design, showcasing the culture of this art form and Sagada. His long-term goals also include holding an exhibit of his curations, creating more designs starting with his own roots, and hopefully having tenugui as an omiyage (souvenir) for different cities in the Philippines.
By digging deeper and looking past the stunning designs of tenugui, we can tell that it is definitely a unique way to tell stories and preserve culture while also being a culture in itself.